2020-2021 Catalog Vol. 81 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog Vol. 81 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Degrees and Awards

* Associate of Arts and Associate of Science Degrees

The Associate of Arts and Associate of Science Degrees shall be awarded to those students fulfilling the general and specific degree requirements. At Blinn College, students can earn one Associates of Arts degree and one Associate of Science degrees. (*Note that beginning with the Fall 2015 semester all associate degrees will be limited to sixty (60) credit hours, unless a waiver has been granted by the THECB.

General requirements follow. Degree candidates shall:

  1. Satisfy all the admission requirements.
  2. Meet the degree requirements as outlined in the general catalog at the time of first admission or as outlined in any subsequent catalog issued previous to the date of graduation, provided the student meets the requirements no later than five years from the date of the catalog.
  3. Meet the requirements of the catalog under which they are readmitted if their studies are interrupted for more than thirteen (13) consecutive months.
  4. Earn at least sixty (60) college credit hours as defined by the degree program. Only academic (non-technical) courses are applicable. 
  5. Earn at least twenty-five percent (25%) of their academic hours in residence at Blinn College.
  6. Earn at least nine (9) semester credit hours of sophomore-level courses.
  7. Transfer in (if applicable) no more than forty-five (45) college credit hours. Note: Students who transfer to another college without graduating and who otherwise meet the minimum number of hours in residence are encouraged to transfer hours back and graduate. 
  8. Declare an area of degree concentration (major) appropriate for the degree sought. (See the degree listings at: http://www.blinn.edu/academics/degrees.html)
  9. Complete all three (3) areas (reading, math, and writing) of the Texas Success Initiative (TSI).
  10. Earn an overall grade point average of at least 2.0 (Note: Specific grade requirements that are higher than 2.0 may be required for the Health Sciences Programs.)
  11. Make a formal application for graduation. This can be done online for currently enrolled students in myBLINN at https://my.blinn.edu/cp/home/displaylogin All others may apply for graduation at http://www.blinn.edu/graduation/reverse-transfer-graduation.html
  12. Clear all accounts owed to the College.
  13. Clear all holds.

* Associate of Applied Science Degree

The AAS degrees are awarded in a wide variety of programs, each with its specific requirements. Check with an advisor regarding coursework and degree plans. (*Note that beginning with the Fall 2015 semester all associate degrees will be limited to sixty (60) credit hours, unless a waiver has been granted by the THECB.) For the most up-to-date award plans please refer to: https://www.blinn.edu/academics/applied-science-programs.html

General requirements follow. Degree candidates shall:

  1. Satisfy all the admission requirements.
  2. Meet the degree requirements as outlined in the general catalog at the time of first admission or as outlined in any subsequent catalog issued previous to the date of graduation, provided the student meets the requirements no later than five years from the date of the catalog.
  3. Meet the requirements of the catalog under which they are readmitted if their studies are interrupted for more than thirteen (13) consecutive months.
  4. Earn at least sixty (60) college credit hours as defined by the degree program.
  5. Earn at least twenty-five percent (25%) of their semester credit hours in residence with Blinn College.
  6. Earn at least nine (9) semester credit hours of sophomore-level courses.
  7. Complete the course requirements as outlined in the degree plan for the student’s specified degree.
  8. Complete all three (3) areas (reading, math, and writing) of the Texas Success Initiative (TSI).
  9. Earn an overall grade point average of at least 2.0 (Note: Specific grade requirements that are higher than 2.0 may be required for the Health Sciences Programs.)
  10. Make a formal application for graduation. This can be done online for currently enrolled students in myBLINN at https://my.blinn.edu/cp/home/displaylogin All others may apply for graduation at http://www.blinn.edu/graduation/reverse-transfer-graduation.html
  11. Clear all accounts owed to the College.
  12. Clear all holds.

**As per the Guidelines for Instructional Programs in Workforce Education (GIPWE): To meet SACSCOC guidelines, each degree must have a minimum of fifteen (15) semester hours of general education courses must include at least three (3) SCH from each area of the following designated areas: Humanities / Fine Arts, Social / Behavioral Sciences, and Natural Sciences / Mathematics.

Certificate Concentrations

General requirements follow. Certificate candidates shall:

  1. Satisfy all the admission requirements.
  2. Certificate Level 2 students must take the TSI Assessment test. Students will not be allowed to register for classes until this requirement has been met. (Note: Certificate Level 2 students must complete all three (3) areas (reading, math, and writing) of the Texas Success Initiative (TSI).)
  3. Meet the certificate requirements as outlined in the general catalog at the time of first admission or as outlined in any subsequent catalog issued previous to the date of graduation, provided the student meets the requirements no later than five years from the date of the catalog.
  4. Meet the requirements of the catalog under which they were readmitted if their studies are interrupted for more than thirteen (13) consecutive months.
  5. Earn at least twenty-five percent (25%) of their certificate hours at Blinn College.
  6. Complete the course requirements as outlined in the award plan for the student’s specified certificate.
  7. Earn an overall grade point average of at least 2.0. (Note: Specific grade requirements that are higher than 2.0 may be required for the Health Sciences Programs.)
  8. Make a formal application for graduation. This can be done online through myBLINN at: https://my.blinn.edu/cp/home/displaylogin, for currently enrolled students. All others may apply for graduation at: http://www.blinn.edu/graduation/reverse-transfer-graduation.html
  9. Clear all accounts owed to the College.
  10. Clear all holds.

Experiential Learning and Professional Certification

Blinn College awards credit to students for experiential learning and professional certificates in six programs: Associate Degree Nursing, Criminal Justice, Emergency Medical Services, Fire Science, Information Technology, and Office Administration. Credit for experiential learning and professional certification is not currently awarded in any other programs. Students can receive Blinn College credit through each program as noted below.

Procedure for Evaluation and Acceptance of Credit

The student will initiate the petitioning process by providing the appropriate program coordinator or director with official documentation of the successful completion of the training along with all required certifications. The program coordinator/director will complete a course substitution form detailing the request for credit. This form, along with the official documentation, will be sent to the instructional dean, and then the Vice President for Instruction. After approval at each of these levels, the file will be sent to the Registrar for acceptance. The courses will be entered in a similar manner as other transferred courses.

Online Degree Program Offerings

Blinn College offers many degree programs completely online. Students may enroll in these programs from any location, inside or outside of the College’s service area. The programs and certificates listed below can be completed fully online:

Associate of Arts Associate of Science Associate of Applied Science
Anthropology, AA   Business, AS   Child Care Worker Certificate - Level 1  
Arts, AA   Economics, AS   Health Information Technology, AAS  
Criminal Justice, AA   Kinesiology, AS    
English, AA   Mathematics, AS    
History, AA     Certificates
Psychology, AA     Child Care Worker Certificate - Level 1  
Sociology, AA     Medical Billing and Coding Specialist Certificate - Level 2  
Spanish, AA   Real Estate Certificate - Level 1  
Speech, AA                          
Criminal Justice, Field of Study AA     

Blinn College’s Degrees and Awards

Associate of Arts

Associate of Science

Associate of Arts Field of Study

Associate of Applied Science

Associate of Arts in Teaching

Occupational Skills Award

