2021-2022 Catalog Vol. 82 
    Mar 28, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog Vol. 82 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

Blinn Online ID (BOID)

The BOID is the username students will use to access most electronic systems at Blinn College. This includes myBLINN, eCampus/D2L, student email, Library database proxy, wireless network, printing services, and on-campus computers.

The BOID consists of the student’s firstname.lastnameLast2digitsofStudentID. For example, if their name is Stacy Smith with student ID number of B00111112 then the BOID is Stacy.Smith12. Managing the password for BOID is performed at https://password.blinn.edu.

Course Selection

Meeting with an academic advisor or division designee is a great way for students to begin the decision making process for selecting the correct courses for the student’s academic goals. Setting academic goals will help ensure student success toward completion of courses, certificates or degree programs, or possible transfer to a college or university.

During advising sessions, the advisor will suggest courses that satisfy Blinn degree requirements and/or the senior institution’s major guidelines. Students undecided on a major/transfer institution, should take general education courses as outlined in the Core Curriculum or associate degree guidelines. Meeting with an advisor can greatly enhance course information for students regarding developmental requirements, transferability of courses, and major/degree requirements. However, the ultimate decision of what courses to take rests with the student.

Students should consider a number of factors, such as skill level, extracurricular activities, difficulty of course/major, employment, and finances, when determining their semester course load. Generally, a student enrolled in academic courses needs a minimum of two (2) hours preparation outside of class for each hour of classroom instruction. By taking into account these factors, students are better able to prepare themselves for academic success.

Academic Honors

A list of students earning academic honors is compiled each fall and spring semester. The Deans’ Scholar List represents students who earn a grade point average of at least 3.25 on twelve or more semester hours of work (excluding developmental courses) and make no failing grades. The Chancellor’s Scholars List honor roll represents those students meeting all the preceding requirements and attaining a grade point average of 3.75 or higher. Upon graduation, students with averages of 4.0 to 3.9 earn the distinction of summa cum laude; 3.89 to 3.70, magna cum laude; and 3.69 to 3.50, cum laude.

Blinn Student Identification (ID) Card

Blinn ID Cards are issued from Enrollment Services at the Central Administration Building (Tejas Center) in Bryan, Enrollment Services at the Administration building in Brenham; and through the campus directors at Sealy and Schulenburg. Before a Blinn ID Card will be issued, a student must be registered for classes with their account paid in full, covered by financial aid, or enrolled in the payment plan. Students will receive one free Blinn ID Card per semester. The Blinn ID Card replacement fee is $7.00.

Students must present their Blinn ID Card when requested by a College employee; including police, faculty, staff, student employees, or other persons operating in an official capacity.

Students are subject to disciplinary action if they loan their Blinn ID Card to another person or are in possession of another student’s Blinn ID Card, tamper with or forge a Blinn ID Card, use an invalid/expired Blinn ID Card, or fail to present their Blinn ID Card when requested by a Blinn College employee. A student’s Blinn ID Card may be confiscated by a Blinn College employee at their discretion.

Blinn ID Cards are required for admission to, or participation in, Blinn College sponsored events, the library, open computer labs, specific bookstore privileges, visitation to the Brenham campus residence halls and apartments, non-emergency treatment at the campus Health Clinic, voting in student elections, College meal plans at the cafeteria, and assistance from the Blinn College administrative offices.

Academic Advising Centers


Academic advising helps students make appropriate decisions about their academic career,provides guidance on the best pathways to reach their goals, and ensures compliance with Blinn College policy. Blinn College encourages all students to participate in the academic advising process. Advisors and trained faculty are available throughout the year for advising purposes. Students enrolling at Blinn College for the first time must have state-approved test scores or qualifying state test (TSI) exemption scores available before they can be advised for coursework. Students should bring copies of their transcripts from previous colleges attended, and/or previous test scores (ACT, SAT, TAKS, STAAR, e.g.) to their advising session. Students should allow 48-hours for documents to process.

All Blinn students are encouraged to visit an advisor of their choice. However, the following populations of students are required to be advised prior to each registration:

  1. Students who fail any part of the state-approved placement test and are not considered “College Ready”
  2. Students who are on scholastic probation.
  3. Students readmitted following suspension.

Academic Advising Locations:

Students who want to meet with an advisor in Brenham, Bryan, or on the RELLIS campus need to view availability for walk ins, phone calls, and appointments by logging into the Buccaneer Advising Queue located on the Advising website: http://www.blinn.edu/academic-advising/index.html . Students wishing to see an advisor on the RELLIS campus need to email rellis@blinn.edu. Sealy and Schulenburg students should contact each campus to check for availability.

  • Brenham Campus: Administration Building Room 206, 802 Green St., Brenham, TX 77833
  • Bryan Campus: Central Administrative Services Building, 3125 South Texas Avenue, Suite #1900, Bryan, TX, 77803
  • RELLIS Campus: ACB1 Building, 3100 Texas 47 Bryan, TX 77807
  • Schulenburg Campus: 100 Ranger Drive
  • Sealy Campus: 3701 Outlet Center Drive

Testing Services - http://www.blinn.edu/testing/index.html

Blinn College Testing Services provide students with the opportunity to take some of the following tests. You can contact the Testing Center by emailing testcenter@blinn.edu or through the Buccaneer Advising Queue .

Testing Locations:

Students can receive TSIA testing at the locations located at the bottom of the Testing Center website http://www.blinn.edu/testing/index.html

Brenham: Room 248, Administration Building, 802 Green Street
Bryan: Central Administrative Services Building, 3125 South Texas Avenue, Suite #1900
Schulenburg: 100 Ranger Drive

Sealy: 3701 Outlet Center Drive

Pre-Assessment Activity is required before taking the TSIA for the first time. For additional tests, testing times/days, and a link to the pre-assessment activity, visit www.blinn.edu/testing.

New Student Orientation (New Student Registration)

The orientation program focuses on general campus information, Texas Success Initiative requirements, academic advisement, and class registration. Attendance at orientation is encouraged but not required. It also is recommended that all new students who are not exempt from testing take a state-approved placement test by April so that scores will be available in time for academic advising during orientation. Students with documented state test scores or state test exemption scores can be advised for Fall semester coursework during orientation. Orientation sessions are scheduled during the months of May-July for students attending the Fall Semester. Registration for orientation is available at www.blinn.edu/new-student-registration .

Placement Services

Blinn College has an online job posting system for students and graduates seeking off campus employment. The system utilizes a live job search format, and it allows students and graduates to attach a copy of their resume for employers to view. Employers can access the system to post job vacancies and to search the available supply of students and graduates. Blinn College has teamed with College Central Network (CCN) to make this a powerful and efficient on- line job placement system. To access the system, use the following website: https://www.myinterfase.com/blinn/Account/LogOn?ReturnUrl=%2fblinn%2fstudent.

In addition to the job posting system mentioned above, Blinn College also lists part-time jobs from local employers. These jobs are posted at www.blinn.edu/career-services.

Students seeking part-time student worker positions at the college should apply for these positions at https://employment.blinn.edu.

Brenham Academic Support Services


Location of Lab/Resource

Description of Resources

Phone Number

W. L. Moody Library


Research assistance; books, journals, newspapers (print and electronic); applications software, DVDs, audio books, music; computers, Internet; printers, copiers; study areas. See hours and calendar at: http://www.blinn.edu/library/info/hours/brenham.htm


Bullock Computer Lab (Open Lab)

Bullock Building Room #138

Applications software, internet access, instructional software, scanner & OCR software, color laser printer, technical assistance, CD burner, data recovery services, WebCam computers

979-830-4497 (Fax)

Learning Center

Academic Building Room #13

Tutorial assistance in many academic subjects, testing services, distance learning testing, computer use, study guides, & dictionaries


The Writing Room

Academic Building Room #14

Writing consultation for all disciplines, grammar/style handbooks, computer, non- credit-level English contract lab exercises


Foreign Language Lab

Academic Building Room #9

Student tutors, foreign language films & instructional videos, language tapes, reference volumes & maps


Open Science Lab

Classroom Building C-7

Allows students to review important lecture concepts, repeat some biology experiments, and to prepare for laboratory practical examinations. Interactive Chemistry tutorial software (CCC) is available as well as virtual chemistry lab experiments (WinQual).


The Brenham Learning Center

(Academic Building Room 13)

The BLC serves a multi-fold purpose. It is a friendly academically stimulating place. It is an environment in which a student can study, work on assignments and presentations, read, and write while having access to qualified professional assistance. The main strength of the BLC lies in its staff of professional educators. They provide one-on-one tutoring to each student on a walk-in basis or through referrals from faculty. They also conduct regularly scheduled tutoring sessions with small groups of at-risk students or students who recognize a weakness in certain areas.

Services Include:

Computer Lab:


Word processing

One-on-One; small group


Computer tutorials

Class assignments

Supplemental instruction

Computer-aided instruction

ADA special accommodations


Pre-exam reviews

Distance Learning
ADA special accommodations
Off-campus exams

Resources include:

  • State-of-the-art computers, laser printers, color printers and scanners
  • Microsoft Office software

For more information: www.blinn.edu/learning-center/brenham.

Bullock Computer Lab

The Bullock Computer Lab is located in Room 138 in the Bullock Building on the Brenham Campus. The lab is a computer support facility that provides services and resources to aid students’ academic success. This open lab is free to all students with a valid Blinn ID card and staff is available to assist students. For more information, visit www.blinn.edu/computer-labs/Bullock-Computer-Lab.

Resources include:

  • 50 workstations with Windows 10 and internet access
  • Two WebCam computers for recording speeches and online test proctoring
  • All Computers networked to Laser B/W & Color printers through the Pharos print system
  • MS Office Professional Suite including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Publisher
  • Tech assistance with Wi-Fi settings
  • Headphones available for check-out
  • Scanners with graphic software
  • Adobe Creative Suite & Web Design
  • Course specific software and other supplemental programs
  • Two adjustable workstations for wheelchair access & ZoomText
  • Print.blinn.edu on-campus release station

The Writing Center - Brenham

The Writing Room is a free-of-charge writing center (Room 9, Academic Bldg.) and computer lab (Room 14, Academic Bldg.) available to all enrolled Blinn College students. By providing friendly, student-centered, one-on-one access to help, The Writing Center seeks to improve students’ knowledge and command of the writing process.

The Writing Center tutors are available from 10 a.m., Monday- Friday until the early evening. Specific times will be determined each semester.

In The Writing Center, students can meet one-on-one with trained writing consultants. By discussing concerns about writing with these consultants, students can discover answers to questions about:

  • Different types of writing assignments;
  • The writing process;
  • Paragraph organization, content, and development;
  • Essay organization, content, and development;
  • Topic sentences and thesis statements;
  • Library research;
  • Grammar and punctuation;
  • Internal parenthetical documentation and works cited pages;
  • MLA format;
  • Revision; and
  • The use of reference books on writing, including the Little, Brown Handbook.

In The Writing Center, students may also take advantage of individual time at computers. There are also two adjustable workstations for wheelchair access. Additionally, students may use the Writing Center as a productive place to think and write. Additional information about the Writing Center is available in Academic Room 9, by calling 979-830- 4699, or by visiting www.blinn.edu/writing-centers/index.html.

Foreign Language Lab

The Foreign Language Laboratory is located in Room 10 of the Academic Building. Students will find various resources there to help them in their language classes, including computers and computer programs, video materials, and reference books. Space is available for group and individual study. In addition, an assistant is available to aid students with the materials and procedures. This person is normally conversant with Spanish and is able to tutor students and answer questions as needed.

Brenham Open Science Lab

Blinn College has ample equipment for hands-on physics experiments as well as computer- based experiments. The chemistry lab is equipped with computer-interfaces for experiments in calorimetry, colorimetry and titrations. The geology lab is equipped with ground-water models, and both fresh water and saltwater aquariums. It also has its own weather station on the roof of the Classroom Building, as well as two seismographs constructed by the faculty member. The human anatomy and physiology lab has recently been updated with $10,000 worth of models including kidney, muscles of the head, arms and legs, cell models, additional human torso models, and spinal cord models. It is also houses an industrial quality refrigerator for storing preserved specimens, several new storage cabinets, the preserved slides and slides of organ tissues, and two new vital signs monitors similar to those used in hospitals. General biology classes are equipped with electrophoresis kits for DNA analysis. The students of biology have access to many preserved specimens to compare with the computer tutorial images in the Open Science Lab in Room C-7. In addition, the college has a digital microscope, several symposiums, desktop presenters, and micro video systems for projecting microscope slides in real time.

Blinn College District Disability Services and Mental Health Counseling

Counseling is a process in which those struggling with some aspect of life enter into a therapeutic relationship with a trained mental health professional to gain insight and make changes in their life. This process may involve exploring thoughts, perceptions, reactions, behaviors, and emotions to better understand oneself. Counseling can assist in reducing feelings of stress. It can improve the ability to engage in healthy decision-making and enhance relationships with others.

Individual counseling is short-term in nature and sessions are limited. The primary goal is to help facilitate student success on short-term objectives. If long-term counseling is needed or the needs of the student exceed the scope of practice, the counselor will provide a referral list for appropriate professional or agencies in the area.

Services include:

  • Confidential personal counseling
  • Workshops and presentations to classes or groups
  • Consultation with faculty and staff
  • Referrals for medication evaluation and management

For answers to specific questions or our contact information, please contact the respective campus the student will be attending. Please visit our website for more information: https://www.blinn.edu/counseling-services/index.html

Students with documented disabilities must self-identify and provide current, appropriate documentation of the disability to the Office of Disability Services (ODS) prior to receiving services. Students are encouraged to contact this office as early as possible to initiate services. Direct services to students with disabilities are provided in the following areas:

  • Assessment of needs and appropriate services
  • Provision of classroom and testing accommodations
  • Arranging for special classroom equipment
  • Counseling on disability related issues
  • Referring for educational evaluations
  • Arranging for sign language interpretation or transcription

For answers to specific questions or our contact information, please contact the respective campus the student will be attending. Please visit our website for more information: https://www.blinn.edu/disability/index.html

Non-Discrimination Statement

Blinn College does not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities in the recruitment and admission of students, the recruitment and employment of faculty and staff, or the operation of any of its programs and activities, as specified by applicable federal laws and regulations. The designated coordinator for Blinn College’s compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment Act (ADAAA) is Patricia E. Moran, M.Ed., 902 College Avenue, Brenham, TX 77833, (979) 830-4157. The College’s facilities are accessible to students and visitors with disabilities. Designated parking spaces, ramps, handicapped restroom facilities, elevators, and assistance from College employees are readily available on all campuses. The College’s faculty and staff work closely with students with disabilities to meet their individual needs.

Bryan Academic Support Services


Location of Lab/Resource

Description of Resources

Phone Number


Building L First Floor

Research assistance; books, journals, newspapers (print and electronic); applications software, audio books, music; computers, Internet; printers, copiers; study areas. See hours and calendar at: http://www.blinn.edu/library/info/hours/bryan.htm


Open Computer Lab

Building H Room 225

Applications software, internet access, instructional software, scanner & OCR software, memory card reader, double-sided printing, technical assistance, CD burner, zip drive, data recovery services


Learning Center

Building L Room 258

Tutorial assistance in many academic subjects, testing services, distance learning testing, computer use, study guides, & dictionaries


The Writing Center

Building A Room 119

The mission of the Writing Center is to make better writers. This is accomplished in a comfortable environment through one-on-one consultations with experienced, degreed writing tutors. During a tutoring session, students choose which aspects of their assignments they would like to work on. While the Writing Center is not a proofreading service, the tutors will work with writers in any stage of the writing process. The purpose is to help students improve their writing skills overall.


Foreign Language Lab

Building G Room 218/227

Beginning language classes spend regular time in the labs. Also open lab hours are available for the student to do extra practice.


The Developmental Reading / Writing Labs (Bryan)

Building L Rooms 257/249

Labs are used as a supplement to class time and give students the opportunity to work with their instructor or a tutor.


Bryan Learning Center Operating Hours


Fall and Spring Semester



5:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.


7:45 a.m. - 9:30 p.m.


7:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Summer Semesters



5:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.


7:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m.


7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.



See website for Interim Schedule and Holiday Closings at https://www.blinn.edu/computer-labs/bryan-campus-computer-lab/hours-of-operation.html

The Bryan Learning Center is located in Room 258 on the second floor of the Library Building, Bryan Campus. The Center is an academic support facility, providing a variety of services for students, staff, and faculty. Center services are free to all Blinn students with a valid Blinn ID card.

Services include:

  • Tutoring - The Learning Center provides free tutoring in a variety of subjects including Accounting, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Programming, Mathematics and Microsoft Office Applications. Tutoring services are performed by Peer Tutors, Tutors, and Learning Center Assistants.
  • Computers - The Learning Center has over 80 computers available for use. Printing costs 7 cents per page (taken off student’s or faculty/staff’s semester printing balance). Printing is single-sided and in black and white only. Two computers have scanners. All computers have Windows, Microsoft Office, Maple and other software used in Blinn courses. To find out more about the additional software, please call (979) 209-7267 or visit the Center.
  • Supplemental Resources - To check out resources the student must have a current Blinn College ID. The Learning Center will keep the ID until the resources are returned. All resources, excluding calculators, are for use in the Learning Center only. Resources available for checkout include: textbooks, reference books, calculators, headphones, zip drive and CD burner.
  • Test Center - Testing for distance learning courses, make-up exams, and correspondence exams is available in the facility’s testing center.

For more information, go to: https://www.blinn.edu/computer-labs/bryan-campus-computer-lab/index.html

Open Computer Lab

The Bryan Open Computer Lab is a computer support facility that supplements all divisions of Blinn College. It provides services and resources to aid students’ academic success at the collegiate level. The lab is located in the health building on the second floor, Room H-225.

Operating Hours


Fall and Spring Semester



7:45 a.m. - 9:30 p.m.


7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Summer Semesters



7:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.


7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Resources include: applications software, Division software, scanners, memory card readers, web cams, CD burners, and laser printers with double-sided printing capability.

The Writing Center (Bryan Campus)

The Writing Center is located in A-119 and serves all students enrolled in Blinn College courses. Our mission is to help students become better writers; this is accomplished in a comfortable environment through one-on-one consultations with experienced, degreed writing tutors. While the Writing Center is not an editing service, they will work with writers on any stage of the writing process. Rather than focusing on one piece of writing during a session, the tutors help students improve their writing skills overall. For more information, visit the Blinn website at: https://www.blinn.edu/writing-centers/index.html

Quick Facts:

  • Open Monday-Thursday 9 am-8 pm and on Friday 9 am-1 pm
  • tutors have a bachelor’s degree or higher
  • tutoring through personalized, one-on-one consultations
  • tutors can help with all writing stages: understanding an assignment, choosing a topic, planning, revising, editing, and documenting sources.

The Developmental Reading & Writing Labs (Bryan)

Parallel Studies is home to two computer labs (L-257 & L-249) that exist to guide students through their developmental courses. Our aim is to encourage academic achievement. These labs are used as a supplement to class time and give students the opportunity to work with their instructor or a tutor in a quiet, friendly, individualized setting.

Students may use the lab to complete work for a developmental course or to receive tutoring on a particular concept they are struggling with. Degreed tutors can answer questions about assignments, reading, writing and course computer programs.

For more information, go to: https://www.blinn.edu/writing-centers/index.html

Foreign Language Lab

The Foreign Languages Department has two computer labs (G- 218 & G-227) which are used intensively by first and second semester students in Spanish, French, German and American Sign Language as part of their course requirements. The lab sessions are an integral part of their courses where the students work with their own instructors who facilitate, design and select activities for their students’ language acquisition. Third and fourth semester students use the labs to complete their coursework and get essential practice with the “target” language. The labs also have open hours for students to work with a variety of media to develop their language skills.

Schulenburg Advising, and Academic Support Services

Academic Advising

Academic advising is available throughout the year. Academic advisors can assist students in several areas that include:

  • formulating degree plans;
  • making appropriate course selections;
  • planning course work to optimize transferability to other institutions.

Before advisement all students are required to have on file TSI exemption documentation. These scores, along with ACT/ SAT scores or other college credit, are used to select semester courses. The following populations of students are required to be advised prior to each registration:

  1. students enrolling at Blinn College for the first time (except co-enrolled students at a senior institution);
  2. students who do not meet college readiness standards on the TSIA test;
  3. students who are on scholastic probation;
  4. students readmitted following suspension.

Blinn College encourages all students to participate in the academic advising process. Students can make an appointment to meet with an advisor at Enrollment Services of by calling (979) 743-5200.


Location of Lab/Resource

Description of Resources

Phone Number


Administration Building

Research assistance; books, journals, newspapers (print and electronic); videos, audio books, computers, Internet; printers, copier


Computer Lab

Administration Building

Applications software, internet access, instructional software, transparencies


Testing Center

Library- Administration Building

Distance learning testing; make-up exam testing


Open Computer Lab

The computer lab is an open lab available to all Blinn students with a valid I.D. The lab is located in Room 104 of the Main Building. Students have access to the Internet and software which will support their computer science and academic classes. Hours of operation are posted at the beginning of each semester. Students needing to make transparencies for class projects should contact the office of Enrollment Services.

Sealy Advising, and Academic Support Services

Academic Advising

Blinn College students have a wide variety of advising services available to them. Academic advisors can assist students in several areas that include:

  1. Formulating degree plans.
  2. Making appropriate course selections.
  3. Planning coursework to optimize transferability to other institutions, the academic advisor and the Director of the Sealy campus handle academic advising.
  4. The following populations of students are required to be advised prior to each registration:
  5. Students enrolling at Blinn College for the first time (except co-enrolled students at a senior institution).
  6. students who do not meet college readiness standards on the TSIA test;
  7. Students who are on scholastic probation.
  8. Students readmitted following suspension.

Blinn College encourages all students to participate in the academic advising process. Please call the Sealy campus at (979) 627-7997 to make an appointment.

Academic Support Services


Location of Lab/Resource

Description of Resources

Phone Number


Suite #250 (West Entrance)

Electronic indexes, Internet resources, local newspapers, laser printer accessed through student’s PHAROS accounts. Books held in other Blinn Libraries can be checked out directly from this site and delivered via courier.


Computer Lab

Suite #250, Rm. #113 (East Entrance)

Applications software, internet access, instructional software, transparencies, technical assistance.


Testing Center

Computer Lab

Distance Learning testing, make-up exam testing.


Computer Lab

The hours of the Open Computer Lab are dependent on the credit class schedule and the Continuing Education class schedule. Open Lab hours are available most afternoons.

The Computer Lab is located in Room 113 in Suite 250 (East Entrance) of the Sealy campus. The lab is a computer support facility that provides services and resources to aid students’ academic success. The lab is free to all students with a valid Blinn ID card. Resources include:

  • Computers with DVD
  • LaserJet printers
  • Internet connected
  • MS Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Publisher

New Student Registration

The New Student Registration program focuses on general campus information, Texas Success Initiative requirements, and academic advisement. Attendance at New Student Registration is encouraged but not required. It is also recommended that all new students, who are not exempt from testing, take a state-approved placement test by April so scores will be available in time for academic advising during New Student Registration. Students with documented state test scores or state test exemption scores can be advised for fall semester coursework during New Student Registration. New Student Registration sessions are scheduled during the months of May-July for students attending the Fall Semester. Registration for NSR sessions is available at https://www.blinn.edu/new-student-registration/index.html. A web-based (online) New Student Registration session is available at https://www.blinn.edu/new-student-registration/index.html.

Placement Services

Blinn College has an online job posting system for students and graduates seeking off campus employment. The system utilizes a live job search format, and it allows students and graduates to attach a copy of their resume for employers to view. Employers can access the system to post job vacancies and to search the available supply of students and graduates. Blinn College has teamed with College Central Network (CCN) to make this a powerful and efficient on- line job placement system.

To access the system, use the following website: https://www.myinterfase.com/blinn/Account/LogOn?ReturnUrl=%2fblinn%2fstudent

In addition to the job posting system mentioned above, Blinn College also lists part time jobs from local employers. These jobs are posted in the Counseling Office, Room 206 of the Administration Building on the Brenham Campus.

Students seeking part time student worker positions at the college should apply for these positions at the Employment Opportunities link on the Blinn College website: www.blinn.edu

Brenham Campus Housing

Living on campus provides an overall educational experience that contributes to the student’s development. Group living challenges each student to develop a new personal awareness, to exchange ideas, and to explore serious commitments to learning. Group living also requires a development of respect for the rights of others.

Students are expected to observe a proper standard of conduct at all times which calls for respect for order, respect for authority, courtesy and good judgment. Procedures, compiled in accordance with state law and college regulations, provide an atmosphere of health and safety for the residents. The Student Resident Life Handbook is available online for student review and reference. Students are expected to review all Blinn College Housing and Residential Life policies and procedures upon arrival in Blinn College Housing.

Refer to the website ( www.blinn.edu/housing) for updates.

Applying for Housing

A prospective housing student must first apply for admission to Blinn College. When admitted, the student will receive instructions for logging into their myBlinn account.

NOTE: If a student’s admission file is incomplete due to missing documents or application materials, the student will not be able to access the housing links in their myBlinn account. When the prospective student has access to their myBlinn account, they will follow the instructions for Login of myHousing. Students requesting to live in on-campus housing must complete the online housing application and pay a Non-refundable $125 application fee in order to be considered for a housing assignment.

A “Thank You” confirmation page will be emailed when the Housing Application is completed successfully. It is recommended that students apply early for housing, as spaces are limited. Please check the Buc email on a regular basis. Students can also visit www.blinn.edu/housing for more housing information and future housing application dates.

Room Assignments

To receive an assignment, a student must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 semester hours at Blinn College, submit a copy of their health insurance and must pass a criminal history record review. Summer school assignments are made prior to or during summer session registration. The Director of Housing and/or the Director of Residence Hall Operations reserves the right to make hall and room assignments. The prospective resident is placed on the waiting list prior to the assignment process. To be eligible for the waiting list the applicant must complete the online housing application. The applicant’s name appears on the waiting list according to the date the application is accepted.

An assignment letter will be sent by e-mail to the student’s Buc email account The assignment letter has very important information: the assigned housing placement, move-in dates, move-in requirements.

All unclaimed rooms will be declared vacant at 5:00 p.m. on the last designated move-in day. Students unable to claim their room by this date and time should call (979) 830-4461 or email housing@blinn.edu. There is no reduction in cost for the late arrival.

Housing Agreement

The student must agree to the terms of the Housing Agreement at the time of application in order to complete the application process. The Housing Agreement is a legal and binding agreement for the full academic year and expires at the end of the spring semester. The agreement specifies provisions for cancellations, occupancy, room entry, property damages, and liabilities. Any student wishing to move from college housing should consult the Housing Agreement for the provisions applicable for release from the agreement. Authorization for off-campus housing does not relieve the student of agreement obligations which have been assumed with Blinn College for on-campus housing.

Room Cancellations

Students who cancel their rooms prior to the first day of fall classes and prior to the first day of spring classes will receive a full payment refund for room rent.


The refund for room rent will be prorated for students who withdraw for the regular semester and prior to the second week of the summer session. Room rent will not be refunded after the eighth week or after the end of the second week of the summer session. Room rent is not adjusted for mechanical, heating or air conditioning malfunctions.

Background History Record Check Requirement

A student applying to live in College District housing must allow the college to obtain criminal history record information. Applicants with a pending charge or a conviction for a felony, Class A misdemeanor, and/or Class B misdemeanor may have their housing application declined.

Semester Hour Requirement

Students living on campus must enroll for a minimum of 12 semester hours and remain enrolled in 12 hours for the duration of the semester. A student who drops or is dropped below 12 semester hours will have 3 class days to complete the academic reinstatement process. If the appeal is unsuccessful the resident must move out of housing. The move-out date determines if a meal plan and room rent refund is appropriate.


College housing is closed during the holiday periods and between semesters. Students (athletes) who have scheduled activities may remain in housing as required. Room and board charges do not cover periods when the college is not in session as published in the college catalog.

Meal Plans

Meal plans are required of all students who live in campus housing. The meal plan works according to a swipe-system. A minimum plan is required for residence hall students and apartment residents.

Residence Halls

The Brenham campus of Blinn College has 11 traditional air-conditioned/central heated residence halls with capacity for 630 students. Five residence halls house 286 women and six residence halls house 344 men. The rooms are double occupancy.

Each residence hall is supervised by a live-in residence hall director and a student resident assistant. Each hall has a large living area with cable television. Most halls have a study room or study area. Internet, cable television, and phone lines with free local service are provided in each room. A microwave and free laundry facilities are available in each hall. Men and women residence halls have rooms for students with disabilities.

Bert and Mae Dean Wheeler Residence Hall

Blinn College has one co-ed residence hall opened in August 2011. This state-of-the-art three story residence hall has 298 rentable beds on designated floors for male and female students. The floor plan provides a variety of housing to offer the resident a choice of a private bedroom in a 4 bedroom-2 bath suite or a two bedroom shared (2beds per room) -1.5 bath suite. Suites are available for students with disabilities.

The hall is supervised by two live-in residence hall directors and student resident assistants. Wireless internet and cable television for the residents. Social lounges and study areas are conveniently located on each floor. A laundry room is available for the student’s convenience.

Mill Creek

Mill Creek Hall is Blinn’s newest contemporary on-campus housing. The 462-bed facility features state-of-the-art technology designed to encourage collaborative student learning. The floor plans for this facility offer a resident a choice of a four bedroom, two bath suite or a two-bedroom, one bath suite. All bedrooms in the suites are private and have full size beds. Suites are available for students with disabilities.

The hall is supervised by two live-in residence hall directors and student resident assistants. Wireless internet and cable television are available for the residents. Social lounges and study areas are conveniently located on each floor. A laundry room is available for the student’s convenience.

Blinn College Park Apartments

Blinn College Park Apartments offers 338 students a more independent style of living. Two residence hall directors and student resident assistants manage the complex.

The apartment complex consists of the Arthur Ehrig Commons Building, which has a TV area and management staff offices, and seven two-story buildings with laundry facilities in each building. The four single bedroom and two bath apartments include a small living-dining area and kitchen. The two single bedroom and one bath apartments include a small living-dining area and an efficiency kitchen. The apartments are furnished. Internet and cable television, and a phone line with free local service are provided in each room.

Requirements to live in BCPA

  • Current Blinn Students
    • Minimum 2.25 GPA
    • Disciplinary record: Two or less points
  • New Blinn Students
    • Minimum 3.0 GPA from high school
    • Two letters of recommendation emailed to housing@blinn.edu (from current high school administrator, teacher, or counselor)
  • Housing and Residence Life reserves the right to place special populations in the BCPA facilities.

Blinn College Health Clinic

Blinn College has a Health Clinic on the Brenham, Bryan, and RELLIS campuses. Students can visit with a Nurse Practioner or Physician Assistant to receive a professional assessment, minor and emergent treatments, or referral to area clinics and care centers. There are no additional fees for the services provided at the Blinn College Health Clinic for students, staff, or faculty. The clinics also provide health promotional materials and education on health-related issues.

Brenham campus: (979) 830-4045

Bryan campus: (979) 209-7269

RELLIS campus: (979) 691-2409

For more information, visit the website at Health Clinics

Student Health Insurance

Students living on campus are required to have medical health insurance. Blinn College does not provide health insurance for its students or offer or endorse any student insurance policy. Any medical expense incurred by the student is the responsibility of the student.

Food Service - Brenham Campus

The Dining Hall serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner Monday through Friday when school is in session. There also is a food truck open for lunch and dinner.

The Dining Hall has a limited salad bar, baked potato bar, two choices of entrees, vegetables, and a limited variety of desserts and drinks available. Dining Staff will serve all items in these areas.

Students living in one of the College’s halls are required to purchase the Residence Hall Meal Plan. On-campus apartments must purchase a meal plan,and have the option of choosing the Apartment Meal Plan or the Residence Hall Plan. Commuter students may purchase individual meals or any of the meal plans. Meal plans are purchased through the Enrollment Services.

Food Service for Campus Housing (Available on Brenham Campus Only)

Food Service Prices per Semester

Blue Meal Plan:
Includes 19 meals per week, 3 per day Monday-Friday and 2 per day Saturday-Sunday

Silver Meal Plan:
Includes 14 meals per week, 2 per day Monday-Sunday

Apartment Meal Plan:
Includes 11 meals per week, 2 per day Monday-Friday, 1 meal Saturday-Sunday (apartment residents only)

Brenham Dining Hall

The Brenham campus offers a Dining Hall for the convenience of students, faculty and other college personnel. Persons entering the Dining Hall should dress in a manner that conforms to acceptable standards of cleanliness and good taste.

Housing students must swipe their own I.D. cards at each meal, only after the picture is shown. Cards are not transferable; the cardholder/owner can swipe for another student/ person ONLY in the presence of both parties. Non-boarding students may purchase a meal plan or pay for a meal at the following prices:

Lunch - $8.00 | Dinner - $7.75

Dining hall serving times for meals are as follows:


Monday - Friday: 7:00 - 8:30/11:30 - 1:45/5:00 - 6:30

Bryan Campus - Snack Bar

Blinn College operates a snack bar and coffee shop on the Bryan Campus. Block & Barrel serves soups, sandwiches and salads made fresh daily and are open Monday-Thursday 7:30 am-6 pm, Friday 7:30 am-2 pm.

Schulenburg Campus - Snack Bar

The college operates a snack bar in the student center on the Schulenburg campus offering hot dogs, sandwiches, and a variety of snacks and beverages.

Student Identification Cards (Blinn ID Card)

All students are required to have a student ID card.

Students can electronically submit their headshot for use on their student ID. The online form for photo submissions is located under Admissions Forms at https://my.blinn.edu. Once the photo is received and approved, a student ID will be created within one business day and students can obtain their student ID at their respective campus once the College reopens.

Student ID cards are used to print on campus, to check out materials from the library, to use financial aid at the bookstore, and to access your meal plan in Brenham and Bryan.

Your student ID number may be obtained by calling enrollment services/admissions on your campus or by logging on to your myBLINN account.