2021-2022 Catalog Vol. 82 
    Mar 28, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog Vol. 82 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Admissions Requirements

The Blinn College District is an open-admissions college. However, there are requirements needed depending upon the student’s background. Students who are academically under-prepared may be required to enroll in developmental courses in accordance with the Texas Success Initiative rules and regulations. Additionally, academically under-prepared students enrolling in some Technical Education courses will be required to enroll in developmental courses that have been paired with these courses, in accordance with Blinn College District policies.

Admission definitions for each type of student are listed below. The documents required for admission and registration eligibility can be found in the Blinn College District Administrative Regulation .

  1. High School Graduates. (Including students with less than twelve hours of transferable college credit.)
    Any student that has graduated from a state accredited high school is eligible to apply for admission to the Blinn College District.
  2. Students transferring from an accredited college or university or who are concurrently enrolled in an accredited college.
    * This only includes students with twelve or more hours of transferable college work. Students transferring to the Blinn College District from an accredited college or university must supply the Blinn College District with official transcripts from each college or university attended. Only credits from accredited colleges or universities are accepted.
    * The Blinn College District only recognizes and accepts transferable credit from colleges or universities that have been accredited by one of the following six “Regional Accreditation” bodies:
    1. Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
    2. New England Association of Colleges and Schools
    3. North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
    4. Northwest Association of College and Schools
    5. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
    6. Western Association of Colleges and Schools.
  3. Students who have completed a High School Equivalency Exam.
    To be admitted as a High School Equivalency graduate, students must provide an official Texas Certificate of High School Equivalency (TxCHSE) indicating that they have passed all parts of the exam. Students are able to obtain the TxCHSE by passing all parts of the General Education Diploma (GED) or High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) exams in Texas. Students completing a High School Equivalency exam outside of Texas must obtain certificates from the state of origin.
  4. Students who are reentering the Blinn College District after not being enrolled for more than one academic year.
    Any student who has previously attended the Blinn College District but has been away for more than one academic year and may or may not have attended another college or university since last attending the Blinn College District is eligible for readmission. Transfer students who have previously enrolled at and attended the Blinn College District will be re-admitted with their current academic standing.
  5. High School (including home schooled) students enrolling in a Dual Credit program or as early admission students.
    High school students may attend the Blinn College District beginning the summer following their 8th grade year. A student participating in the Dual Credit Program may take the number of academic classes permitted by Applicable Law.
  6. Graduates of a Home School or a Non-Accredited High School.
    Any student who has completed a home school program or has graduated from a non-accredited high school is eligible to apply for admission to attend the Blinn College District. 
  7. Students without a high school diploma or High School Equivalency Exam Certificate.
    Any person who has not graduated from high school and who has not received a High School Equivalency Exam certificate may enroll in Blinn with the approval of the Registrar.
  8. Students enrolling in a Level I Certificate program.
    Any person seeking a level I technical certificate is eligible to apply and enroll in the Blinn College District. These students are exempt from Texas Success Initiative testing requirements as long as the student enrolls in the courses within the level I certificate program(s) as outlined in the College Catalog.
  9. Students who are non-degree or non-certificate students.
    Any person who is not intending to seek a degree, certificate, or planning to transfer to another college or university is eligible to attend the Blinn College District. Students being admitted under this method may not take more than two (2) courses during each semester.

International Students.

Any non-citizen individual with a non-immigrant status eligible to attend higher education in accordance with the Department of Homeland Security and the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) is eligible to be admitted to the Blinn College District once they have completed the required admissions documents. The Blinn College District is a SEVP certified school and can issue the Form I-20 Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status for F-1 visa applicants.

Non-immigrant applicants are required to comply with all requirements and procedures for each visa category as established by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Detailed descriptions of each admissions requirement for each non-immigrant category can be found at the International Student Program website .

For F-1 visa holders: application and all admissions documents must be submitted by the respective admissions deadline in order to receive a Form I-20 Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status from the Blinn College District. Admissions deadlines are listed on the International Student Program website. F-1 visa holders are required to complete the mandatory International Student Orientation (ISO) and check-in requirements; as well as maintain all visa requirements as outlined by the Department of Homeland Security and the Student Exchange and Visitor Program (SEVP).

Blinn College District Administrative Regulation

Auditing of Courses

Prior to and 7 days past the last day to register, any person 18 years of age or older may enroll in a traditional face-to-face course as an auditor, with the consent of the Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs and/or the appropriate dean to assure space is available, by paying the current semester credit hour tuition and fee rate, plus any required laboratory fees. Auditors may use the library facilities and materials in the library only. The instructor is not obligated to accept any papers, tests, or examinations from the auditor. An auditor is free from such course requirements as attendance, written work, and tests. Credit will not be granted for auditing a course. Once a student has registered as an auditor, the student may not change to credit status nor can a credit student change to audit status after the semester has begun. Neither the instructor nor the college assumes responsibility for the academic progress of an auditing student. No refunds of tuition and fees are made to auditing students. Currently enrolled students shall have priority for auditing space.

To complete an application to audit courses, please visit the Auditing Courses website .

Transcripts for Admission Purposes
All transcripts submitted to the Blinn College District, high school or college, must be official.

High School Transcripts

  1. Must bear the signature of the registrar and/or seal of the issuing high school.
  2. Must be submitted directly from the issuing high school to the Blinn College District. As long as the high school sends transcripts directly to the college, fax copies are accepted. Hand carried transcripts may be considered official if in an unopened, sealed high school letterhead envelope.
  3. High School and home-schooled transcripts without a graduation date are not considered official. A final transcript with graduation date must be provided after the graduation date.
  4. Students will be able to attend one long semester without submitting an official high school transcript.
  5. Failure to submit an official high school transcript after one long semester will result in a hold on the student’s account preventing future registration and the release of official Blinn College District transcripts.

College Transcripts

  1. Must bear the signature of the registrar and/or seal of the issuing institution.
  2. Must be submitted directly from the issuing institution to the Blinn College District. No faxed copies are accepted.
  3. Students will be able to attend one long semester without submitting an official college transcript, unless coursework is listed on a transcript that is a prerequisite for a class being taken at the Blinn College District.
  4. Failure to submit official college transcripts after one long semester will result in in a hold on the student’s account preventing future registration and the release of Blinn College District transcripts.

Transfer Dispute Resolution

If an institution of higher education does not accept course credit earned by a student at another institution of higher education, the receiving institution shall give written notice to the student and to the sending institution that transfer of the course credit. Attached to the written notice shall be these procedures for resolution of transfer disputes for lower-division courses, accompanied by clear instructions outlining the procedure for appealing the decision to the commissioner.

  1. A student who receives notice as specified in item 1 may dispute the denial of credit by contacting a designated official at either the sending or the receiving institution.
  2. The two institutions and the student shall attempt to resolve the transfer of the course credit in accordance with Coordinating Board rules and guidelines.
  3. If the transfer dispute is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student or the sending institution within 45 days after the date the student received written notice of denial, the sending institution may notify the commissioner in writing of the request for transfer dispute resolution, and the institution that denies the course credit for transfer shall notify the commissioner in writing of its denial and the reasons for the denial.

The commissioner or the commissioner’s designee shall make the final determination about a dispute concerning the transfer of course credit and give written notice of the determination to the involved student and institutions.

For further information, please contact the Office of Admissions and Records at:
Email: admissions@blinn.edu
Mail: Blinn College District, 902 College Avenue, Brenham, Texas 77833

Blinn College District Board Policy EGA (LEGAL)

Bacterial Meningitis Immunization

Bacterial Meningitis is a serious, potentially deadly disease that can progress extremely fast. More information can also be found on the website for the Center for Disease Control . Beginning January 2014, Texas state law (SB 62 ) requires all students under the age of 22 taking classes at an institution of higher learning must submit proof that they have been vaccinated against bacterial meningitis. Students may also submit proof of approved conscience exemption from the Texas Department of State Health Services. The vaccine must be received no later than 10 days prior to the start of the term.

Proof of the Bacterial Meningitis Immunization can be submitted by clicking the “Evidence of Vaccination against Bacterial Meningitis” form found under Admissions Forms in the student myBlinn account.

Testing Requirements including Exemptions and Waivers

The Blinn College District does not require students to take either the ACT or SAT test for admittance. Students are recommended to take either or both tests and have their scores sent to the college. Scores from these tests may be used for placement of Texas Success Initiative (TSI) exemptions. Please refer to the TSIA website for a complete listing of all TSIA exemptions and waivers.

Depending upon their status, students may be required to take a test for TSI compliance and/or for placement (see the Texas Success Initiative Assessment section).

TSIA: Texas Success Initiative Assessment

Students enrolling for the first time in college after August 26, 2013, are required, unless exempt, to be assessed for college readiness by completing the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA) in the areas of English Language Arts Reading (ELAR) and Mathematics. This initiative further requires that students who do not meet the passing standard of an area of is not allowed to enroll in college-level classes requiring skills in the unmet area until those college readiness skills are met. Students can meet the skills requirement by completing the sequence of college developmental courses for that area or by passing a retest of the TSIA.

There is a fee charged for these placement tests and prior registration may be required. A Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA) is required prior to paying for and taking the assessment. Information on testing can be found by contacting the Testing Center.

English Language Arts Reading (ELAR)

If the student failed to meet the passing standard on the English Language Arts Reading (ELAR) section of the TSIA2 assessment test, use the reading and writing chart to find the course placement and pathway required for ELAR developmental courses. Students must successfully complete the course sequence to be considered college ready in ELAR.

Math Section

If the student failed to meet the passing standard on the Math section of the TSIA2 assessment test, use the math chart  to find the course placement and pathway required for math developmental courses. Students will need to complete the course sequence to be considered college ready in Math.

The Blinn College Success Initiative Plan states that students are considered “College Ready” if they have passed the section of the test or completed the developmental course pathway in ELAR and/or Mathematics. A student cannot enroll in any of the approved related academic courses in the failed area until the developmental sequence is completed, or until the failed section of the state-approved placement test is retaken and passed.

Credit by Examination

Credit by Examination allows students to receive college credit by taking an examination to demonstrate mastery of course outcomes for prior learning. Some exams may be written tests covering course content while others may require performance of a skill set. The Blinn College District will accept hours for credit by examination earned through the College Board Advanced Placement Program (AP) and the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Subject Examination. The Blinn College Office of Admissions and Records evaluates AP and CLEP as transfer credit. A grade of “CR” will be posted to the transcript. There is no charge for this service.

Credit by Examination and Prior Learning Assessment Advancement for Occupational and Technical Programs

To earn credit for prior learning and work experience Blinn offers Credit by Exam opportunities to earn credit that recognizes individual efforts and achievement. Credit earned will be applied towards a specific Blinn Certificate and/or Associate of Applied Science Degree.

Technical Divisions Examinations

Each technical division within Blinn College designs exams and exam administration based on the rigors and requirements of the course. Credit by exam processes are established by each department within the Blinn College District which are available for specific courses as outlined by the course listing from each department. Each student must submit an application to the Registrar’s office for any of these exams. All fees must be paid prior to taking exams.

To ensure students petitioning for credit by exam understand the program policies and procedures, departmental staff will interview the student to:

  • Determine student eligibility – enrolled in an academic program past the official reporting date or have completed required SCH’s as outlined in the policy and procedures.
  • Veteran Affairs – student receiving VA benefits must comply with VA rules and regulations.
  • Understand the credit by exam process – have read and understand the policies and guidelines outlined for the exam process
  • Identify exam options – texts and industry standards are the written and/or performance exams based on to meet course objectives

Credit Limitations

Students may receive a maximum of 33% of the certificate or associates degree SCH’s through EOCE without proof of verifiable work experience. Any additional SCH’s above the maximum, the student must provide verifiable work experience of at least 5 years in their area of expertise.

This can be in the form of a letter of reference from past employers, resume indicating work experience, and other documents that can be assessed. Students must meet course prerequisites to take exams. Examinations may not be taken for courses in which students are currently registered, or for courses in which students have received grades of “incomplete” (“I”), withdrawal (“W”), or fail (“F”). Exams may not be taken for courses having the examination as a course prerequisite or courses a student is currently enrolled or has already received credit in. Prerequisites can be found in the “Course Descriptions” section of the college catalog.

Examinations may only be attempted once unless approval is provided by the department head and approved by the appropriate Dean. If approved, the exam must be taken within 30 days of the approval date and scheduled by the appointed proctor. A second attempt may not be taken in less than one year from the date of the first attempt and may only be taken with department approval.

Credit by exam may include an actual demonstration of competency to a predetermined skill level. For example, Credit by exam for welding courses may include actual course required welding meeting required industry standards. Successful welds may be determined by visual inspection or other NDT processes. If the candidate requests an NDT test other than visual, it will be at the expense of the candidate. Awarding of credit is given if the candidate is successful on both the written exam and lab portions of the exam. Written exams will be given a numerical score. A minimum score of 80 is required for written exams. Actual hands-on-exams are scored as pass/fail.

In exceptional circumstances, the Vice Chancellor of Health Sciences, Technical, and Community Education may choose to approve a Credit by Exam application for courses not indicated on the application or other tables used for awarding credit if the student meets all eligibility requirements and has presented sufficient documentation showing their prior learning matches the Blinn College District’s course outcomes. The Vice Chancellor of Health Sciences, Technical, and Community Education will sign the Credit by Exam form and note the justification to indicate approval in these rare circumstances.

Awarding Credits

Students must be enrolled in the Blinn College District at the time credit is awarded. However, with the approval of the Registrar and the Vice Chancellor of Health Sciences, Technical, and Community Education, former Blinn College students may be awarded credit by examination. Former students who wish to receive credit by examination must meet all other requirements regarding the awarding of these credits.

For students to receive credit, they must have completed no less than six SCH’s at Blinn College. Students may be enrolled in 6 SCH at the time examinations are taken. Students must satisfy Blinn residency requirements for credit to be placed on their transcript.

Grades and credit hours assigned to credit earned by departmental examinations; a minimum grade of “C” is required to earn credit. Semester credit hours earned through Credit by Exam or Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) designated as “CR” on the transcript; this credit is not computed for GPA (Grade Point Average) purposes and no letter grade will be given on the student’s transcript.

Credit by Exam or PLA is awarded only when it applies to an available Blinn College District course and program of study.

Credit by Exam or PLA is not used if the course has previously been taken, or if the course has been attempted. This includes any course from which a student withdrew after the final drop date.

Credit received by examination does not apply toward students either earned or attempted hours for purposes of determining full-time status.

Once credit is awarded, the credit cannot be removed from the student’s record or transcript.

CEU/WECM to Credit (Mirror Courses)

Blinn College District departments offering Continuing Education (CE) and noncredit courses, students may earn credit if there is successful completion of Continuing Ed courses or non-credit mirror courses. A Mirror Course is the articulation of a CEU or noncredit course into a for-credit course applicable toward a certificate or associates degree. Continuing education courses must meet the same rigor, evaluation process, and faculty guidelines as the equivalent for-credit courses. “Mirror” courses offered simultaneously as both credit and CE are automatically eligible for articulation since the instructor will meet all SACSCOC credentialing requirements.

For example, welding credit courses require 64 to 96 contact hours, articulation of CEU and CE may require additional courses to achieve required competencies. Documentation must demonstrate individual continuing education students have met the same competencies as the successful for-credit students prior to making the decision to award credit for a course taken as continuing education. For example, WLDG 1428 requires 96 contact hours therefore WLDG 1043 (60 hours) and WLDG 1009 (68 to 80 hours) may be used for credit of WLDG 1428 for the associate’s degree. PLE or Course Test-out will require a grade of “C” or better and/or successful completion of a performance exam meeting industry standards.

Students requesting credit for previous course completions as non-credit will be required to follow the following steps:

  1. To start the process, the student must meet his/her advisor to obtain the correct Application for Departmental Credit by Exam. At this time, the advisor will review the student’s records to verify the course was taken. If a CEU to credit articulation agreement is in effect, only students who have earned CEU’s with a grade of “P” may apply for articulated credit.
  2. Students wanting to participate in the Credit by Exam/Course Test-out must pick an application from the appropriate department.
  3. The student must have earned a grade of Passing (“P”) in the CE course.
  4. The student must meet all credit prerequisites at the time they complete the CE course.
  5. The student must currently be pursuing a Blinn College credit program.
  6. Students must submit transcripts or other documentation as required.
  7. The student must complete the Departmental Credit by Examination application.
  8. The student must submit an application to obtain appropriate signatures as required prior to application processing.
  9. The advisor reviews the application, approves it, and signs the application.
  10. PLA/Credit by Exam application approved by the appropriate faculty member, Department Head, and the Dean for the department.
  11. The registrar will then apply the credit to the student’s transcript and notify the student of the credit award.


The Blinn College District will provide credit by exam to eligible occupational students. To provide this to all qualifying students, fees are kept as low as possible. Every student who applies for college credit by exam must work with an advisor to complete the appropriate application for Departmental Credit by Exam. All fees are based on current board approved policies. The fee for EOCE is charged at the rate of $1.00 per contact hour and is payable prior to taking any Credit by Exam. Students submitting multiple options on one application only need to pay one $25 fee. No fees are charged for military or veteran students.

Refunds will not be given for students who do not pass the exams, both written and lab exams.

Credit for Military Experience and Coursework

Students may receive credit for military experience and courses taken while in the military. Four hours of Kinesiology credit will be awarded to students who have completed basic training. An official DD-214 or Joint Services Transcript (JST) must be on file in the Admissions and Records Office to receive this credit. The College also awards academic credit to students based on the American Council on Education (ACE) and Department of Defense (DOD) guidelines specified by their Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) credentials. These recommendations are published in the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services and are found online at http://www.acenet.edu/news-room/Pages/Military-Guide-Online.aspx . Both proficiency exam scores and completed service schools are documented on military separation papers such the DD-214 military release document, or the Joint Services Transcript (JST). The Registrar’s Office evaluates these documents and awards up to twelve hours of academic credit based on the ACE recommendation

Blinn College District Board Policy EGA (LEGAL)

Conditions for AP and CLEP Subject Examinations

  1. Credit, up to 12 hours, will be granted only if the student completes 6 semester hours at Blinn College and earns a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0. Students must present evidence of completion with acceptable scores of AP or CLEP exams along with a completed application for credit. The request for credit may be made at any time while the student attends Blinn College but will not be granted if the student has attempted, is enrolled in, or has completed the course for which credit is being sought.
  2. Credit earned by examination may not be used to meet the minimum residence requirement for the Blinn College degree or certificate awarded at graduation.
  3. Students should understand that each college and university has its own policy with respect to credit earned by examination and that any such credit allowed by one institution may not necessarily be accepted by another.
  4. Credit through CLEP assumes the student has had no formal classroom instruction as an enrolled student or as an auditor.
  5. To receive credit for English 1301, English 2322, and English 2328 using the CLEP test, the student must qualify on both the objective and essay parts of the exam.
  6. Blinn College does administer the CLEP Subject Examinations. To schedule your appointment g visit the testing website and fill-out the CLEP Appointment Form.

For a list of AP minimum score requirements and course credit please visit the AP website.

For a list of CLEP minimum score requirements and course credit please visit the CLEP website.

Credit for International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD)

The International Baccalaureate Diploma is an international program of courses and exams offered at the high school level. In keeping with Senate Bill 111 passed in 2005, Blinn College will grant credit (CR) for IB exams with certain required scores.

Texas institutions of higher education must award 24 hours of course specific college credit in subject appropriate areas of all IB exam scores of 4 or above as long as the incoming freshmen have earned an IB diploma. However, course credit does not have to be awarded on any IB exams where the score received is a 3 or less. This may mean that such students will not receive 24 hours of college credit, even if they have an IB diploma.

Students must have an official IB transcript sent to Blinn College. All IB students must show proof of meeting the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements prior to their enrollment at Blinn.

For a list of IB Examinations and course credit please visit the IBD website.

Academic Advising Requirement

Academic advising helps students make appropriate decisions about their academic career, provides guidance on the best pathways to reach their goals, and ensures compliance with Blinn College policy. The Blinn College District encourages all students to participate in the academic advising process. Advisors and trained faculty are available throughout the year for advising purposes. Students enrolling at Blinn College for the first time must have state-approved test scores or qualifying state test (TSI) exemption scores available before they can be advised for coursework. Students should bring copies of their transcripts from previous colleges attended, and/or previous test scores (ACT, SAT, TAKS, STAAR, e.g.) to their advising session. Students should allow 48 hours for documents to process.

All Blinn students are encouraged to visit an advisor of their choice. However, the following populations of students are required to be advised prior to each registration:

  1. Students who fail any part of the state-approved placement test and are not considered “College Ready.”
  2. Students who are on scholastic probation.
  3. Students readmitted following suspension.

New Student Registration (NSR)

The orientation program focuses on general campus information, Texas Success Initiative requirements, academic advisement, and class registration. Attendance at orientation is encouraged but not required. It also is recommended that all new students who are not exempt from testing take a state-approved placement test by April so that scores will be available in time for academic advising during orientation. Students with documented state test scores or state test exemption scores can be advised for Fall semester coursework during orientation. Orientation sessions are scheduled during the months of April - July for students attending the Fall Semester. Registration for orientation opens each February on the NSR website.

International Student Orientation

A mandatory orientation for new and transferring F-1 international students will be conducted before each fall and spring semester. Failure to attend International Orientation will result in the termination of a student’s I-20. No exceptions will be made to this policy.

Orientation is an important step in beginning an academic career at Blinn College. Topics that will be presented include: F-1 visa regulations, culture differences, academic advising and transfer issues, international student organizations, and tips for academic success.

International students are only permitted to arrive in U.S. 30 days prior to the program start date listed on the I-20. Students should make plans to arrive a few days prior to orientation in order to complete TSI testing, advising, and registration. For a list of important dates and orientation details, visit the International Office website or call 979-209-7699.

Enrollment Services

Enrollment Services staff work as a team in conjunction with the Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, Business Office, Housing, Disability Services, Student Leadership and Activities, Dean of Students and Advising/Counseling Offices.

The Enrollment Services team members strive to provide enrollment-related services that are seamless, customer-friendly, and efficient in order to better service the students. 

On-Campus Bookstore (Brenham & Bryan Only)

The bookstore carries textbooks for all classes as well as school and office supplies. Students should bring their schedules with them when they buy their books to help ensure the purchase of the correct books. Books must be paid for at the time of purchase with cash, check, credit card or a financial aid book voucher.

Students with financial aid can access their book voucher using their ID card at the time of purchase. Book vouchers must be used at the Blinn campus bookstore where the student is attending classes.

Board Policy EDA (Legal) provides that “a student of this institution is not under any obligation to purchase a textbook from a university-affiliated bookstore. The same textbook may also be available from an independent retailer, including an online retailer. (Education Code 51.9705; 19 TAC 4.216(1), .217-.218)

For additional information, visit the Blinn College website, under Blinn A-Z, select Bookstore –Brenham Campus or Bryan Campus.

Operating hours: Monday- Thursday, 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; Friday, 7:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.