CDEC 1392 Special Topics in Child Development CIP Code: 19.0706
Credit Hours: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 1 External Hours: 0
Contact Hour Total: 64
Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course was designed to be repeated multiple times to improve student proficiency.
This course will serve as a technical dual credit course. Students who complete Principles of Education and Training at the high school level may obtain technical dual credit for CDEC 1392 provided all requirements are met for Blinn College technical dual credit courses.
Principles of Education and Training is designed to introduce learners to the various careers available within the education and Training Career Cluster. Students use self-knowledge as well as educational and career information to analyse various careers within the education and Teraining Career Cluster. Students will develop a graduation plan that leads to a specific career choicein the student’s interest area.
Prerequisite(s): None
Corequisite(s): None
Co-enrolled: None
Course Fee: 0 Lab Fee: 0 SIM Lab Fee: 0 Testing Fee: 0 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Workforce Education Course Manual (WECM) course
Core No
This is a Blinn College Core Curriculum Course No
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