2024-2025 Catalog Vol. 85 (developing) 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog Vol. 85 (developing)

Information Technology

Student E-Mail Accounts
Print Management System
Student Accounts
Wireless Network
Additional Technology Resources
Information Resources Acceptable Use, Security and Copyright Infringement
Copyright Infringement Procedures

Student E-Mail Accounts

Blinn College is partnered with Microsoft 365 for education to provide e-mail accounts to Blinn students. This e-mail account is the primary electronic communication method between Blinn College and students. The account is created during the admissions application process.

  • To start using the account go to: http://outlook.com/buc.blinn.edu or use the email icon in myBLINN
  • E-mail address: Firstname.LastnameLast2digitsBlinnID@buc.blinn.edu
  • Username is - Firstname.LastnameLast2digitsBlinnID
  • The password for email and Office 365 is the same as the student’s Blinn password (myBLINN, eCampus, wireless, printing, etc.) and is set by the student during the admissions process.
  • Mobile Devices and Outlook - Use Exchange, Outlook or ActiveSync as the account type and the full email address as the Username and student’s Blinn password.
    • If requested- Exchange ActiveSync server name: outlook.office365.com

Students can use the Blinn e-mail account to do the following:

  • Receive official communications from Blinn College
  • Send/Receive e-mail to friends, fellow students, faculty and staff
  • Check email on Mobile/device
  • Install Microsoft Office 365 and store and share documents on OneDrive while an enrolled student
  • Forward this e-mail or check multiple e-mail accounts

Student e-mail accounts remain active while a student is enrolled.

Print Management System

A printing system manages computer-based printing in the open computer labs, libraries and classroom computer labs.

The system sometimes referred to as Pharos controls the release of print jobs to all printers in student areas. The system is configured to assess a cost to each print; prices vary based on the nature of the printing. There is a mobile print option allowing the upload of files from a personal device both on and off campus that can be released at a nearby printer. Access at https://print.blinn.edu.

Student Accounts

Each enrolled student is automatically given a print system account. Each enrolled student is given 15 credits in their print account per semester. This account will be deducted according to the print schedule. The 15 credits are per semester and are not refundable nor does the balance roll over to the next semester.

Students can add credits to their account at the Brenham Library and Bryan Library the Enrollment Services/Business Office counter on each campus or online at print.blinn.edu. Funds added to the print account will carry over to the next semester and are not refundable.


When printing in the Library, Bullock Lab and Open Lab the student will be asked to enter their username. The print job will then be placed in a queue (on hold) and await being released. To release the print job, go to the computer labeled Print Release Station. The student will Swipe their ID card or enter their username and password. The screen will show all of the pending print jobs. Select the job(s) to print. The documents will print on the nearby printers and the account will be deducted the amount of the job. The student can also view their account activity and balances at the release station.

When printing in the classroom labs and testing areas the student will be asked to enter their username and password. A prompt will appear to confirm the print job and will provide the total job cost. After confirmation, the job will print to the nearby printer and the job cost deducted from their account.

Wireless Network

A wireless network is provided for the use of students while on campus. The network is called BlinnStudent and requires your full Blinn email address and password to connect. When visiting other participating higher education institutions, you can also utilize the eduroam wireless network with your Blinn email address and password.

Additional Technology Resources

Additional Technology Resources can be found in myBlinn under Technology Resources: Academic Technology Services

Information Resources Acceptable Use, Security and Copyright Infringement

Use of information resources must be in compliance of the Information Resources Acceptable Use, Security and Copyright Infringement regulation.

Copyright Infringement Procedures:


Blinn College District shall annually disclose that unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material may be illegal, as well as, the Summary of Civil and Criminal Penalties for Violation of Federal Copyright Laws:

  • Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement.
  • Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For “willful” infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys’ fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505.
  • Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense.

For more information, please see the Web site of the U.S. Copyright Office at www.copyright.gov, especially their FAQ’s at www.copyright.gov/help/faq.



The procedure to effectively combat the illegal downloading and distribution of copyrighted material for Blinn College District is as follows:

  • Locate and block access of the source
  • Send notice to the student responsible
  • Report second occurrence to the Vice Chancellor, Student Services for student discipline
  • To have access re-established, the user must acknowledge receipt of complaint and copyright information and/or successfully complete any requirements set forth by the Blinn College District Student Discipline Process


  • Locate and block access of the source
  • Send notice to the employee responsible, as well as their immediate supervisor
  • Report second occurrence to the appropriate supervisor for employee discipline
  • To have access re-established, the user must acknowledge receipt of complaint and copyright information and/or successfully complete any requirements set forth by the Blinn College District Employee Discipline Process


  • Locate and block access of the source
  • Send notice to the user responsible
  • Report second occurrence to the appropriate authorities for investigation and action


Blinn College District utilizes two types of deterrents for the illegal distribution of copyrighted material:

  • Bandwidth shaping
  • Vigorous program of accepting and responding to DMCA notices


Blinn College District shall designate a DMCA agent to receive notifications of Copyright Infringements Claims.

The Blinn College District DMCA agent is:

Mr. Brad Rowland

