2019-2020 Catalog Vol. 80 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2019-2020 Catalog Vol. 80 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College Expenses


Payment of tuition, fees, books, room and board are due by the payment due date (see academic calendar for specific dates at www.blinn.edu). A payment plan is available for tuition, fees, room and board (see Installment Payment Plan). Internet registration requires payment by the stated due date. Failure to pay by the due date will result in the student being dropped from classes. Students that register after the stated due date will be required to pay at the time of registration. Students will be dropped nightly if payment is not received. Students with delinquent balances will be placed on a business office hold, which will keep students from registering from additional courses and will also deny access to the student’s official transcript.

Tuition and General Fees (Fall 2019, Spring 2020, and Summer 2020)

Tuition Per Semester Hour
  In-District Texas Resident $  55.00
  Out-of-District Texas Resident $ 112.00
  Out-of-State/Foreign $ 272.00
General Fee   $ 67.00

Tuition and General Fee Schedule

(Minimum charge is for 3 semester hours)

Semester Hours Total In-District Texas Resident Total Out-of-District Texas Resident Total Out-of-State/Foreign
1-3    $ 366.00   $ 537.00 $ 1,017.00
4    $ 488.00   $ 716.00 $ 1,356.00
5    $ 610.00   $ 895.00 $ 1,695.00
6    $ 732.00 $ 1,074.00 $ 2,034.00
7    $ 854.00 $ 1,253.00 $ 2,373.00
8    $ 976.00 $ 1,432.00 $ 2,712.00
9 $ 1,098.00 $ 1,611.00 $ 3,051.00
10 $ 1,220.00 $ 1,790.00 $ 3,390.00
11 $ 1,342.00 $ 1,969.00 $ 3,729.00
12 $ 1,464.00 $ 2,148.00 $ 4,068.00
13 $ 1,586.00 $ 2,327.00 $ 4,407.00
14 $ 1,708.00 $ 2,506.00 $ 4,746.00
15 $ 1,830.00 $ 2,685.00 $ 5,085.00
16 $ 1,952.00 $ 2,864.00 $ 5,424.00
17 $ 2,074.00 $ 3,043.00 $ 5,763.00
18 $ 2,196.00 $ 3,222.00 $ 6,102.00
19 $ 2,318.00 $ 3,401.00 $ 6,441.00
20 $ 2,440.00 $ 3,580.00 $ 6,780.00
21 $ 2,562.00 $ 3,759.00 $ 7,119.00
22 $ 2,684.00 $ 3,938.00 $ 7,458.00
23 $ 2,806.00 $ 4,117.00 $ 7,797.00
24 $ 2,928.00 $ 4,296.00 $ 8,136.00

High School Dual Credit

Tuition Per Semester Hour  
  In-District Tuition $ 36.00  
  Out-of-District Tuition    92.00  
General Fee    14.00  
Semester Hours Total In-District Students Total Out-District Students
1-3 $ 150.00 $ 318.00
4 $ 200.00  $ 424.00
5 $ 250.00  $ 530.00
6 $ 300.00  $ 636.00
7 $ 350.00  $ 742.00

In-District Texas Resident - Students who have legal residence in Washington County, Texas or pay ad valorem tax in Washington County, Texas.
Out-of-District Texas Resident - Students who have residence in Texas for 12 consecutive months prior to enrollment at Blinn College (as defined in the Blinn College residency rules).
Out-of-State/Foreign - Students who reside outside the state of Texas or outside the United States.
High School Dual Credit Students - Students who are enrolled in dual credit [high school/college] courses.

General Property Deposit

The Board of Trustees has determined not to collect a general property deposit. However, students shall be held responsible for the payment of damages to and/or lost or stolen college property, and for all unpaid accounts and insufficient checks. Students owing the college for damaged, stolen or lost college property or unpaid accounts will not receive an official transcript or college credits. The college may also suspend or dismiss such students from class, and/or refuse readmittance to the college. Unpaid accounts are subject to the College’s collection procedures.

Nonfunded Course Tuition

If the student is enrolling in a course which has previously been taken two or more times and received a grade of A-F, W, Q, QF, the student will be charged an additional $50 per semester credit hour (SCH) for the course. This charge will be added to the student’s account the business day following the registration session. These additional charges must be paid prior to the end of late registration or the student’s account will be put on hold. The following groups of students are exempt from this Nonfunded Course Tuition charge:

  1. Foreign or Out-of-State students.
  2. Those who have already received a Bachelor’s degree.
  3. Those who have course work prior to Fall 1996
  4. Remedial courses.
  5. Technical courses.

Online Course Fees

A $25 per course fee covering the cost of software and equipment will be charged for online and blended course sections.

Music Lesson Fees

Music (voice, piano, or music instrument, two credit hours (50 minutes per week) $175.00  
Music (voice, piano, or music instrument, one credit hour (30 minutes per week) $100.00  

Non-Refundable Fees

(Per Semester Unless Otherwise Noted)

Activity Fees  
  • per long semester for students taking a face to face class in Brenham (Fall & Spring)
$ 75.00
  • per summer session for students taking a face to face class in Brenham (Summer I & II)
$ 30.00
Campus Fees - RELLIS  
  • per long semester for students taking a face-to-face class on the RELLIS campus (Fall & Spring)
$ 50.00
  • per summer session for students taking a face-to-face class on the RELLIS campus (Summer I & II)
$ 25.00
Health Sciences Liability Fee (per long semester) $ 6.50
Class Change Fee via myBlinn (on-line) No Charge
Credit by Examination (CLEP) No Charge
Foreign Student Application Fee $ 200.00
Graduation Fee No Charge
Installment Plan Fee $ 25.00
Internet Connection Fee (Resident Students) No Charge
Nonfunded Course Tuition (See Above) $ 50.00 SCH
Nursing Testing Fee (Fee varies per semester with a range of…) $155.00 - $350.00
Overnight Refund Fee $ 30.00
Replacement of Identification Card Fee $ 7.00
Replacement Fee, Blinn Bucs Card (See Student Choice Refunds Card) $ 20.00
Registration Fee No Charge
Returned Check Fee (paper/electronic/account not found) $ 25.00
Transcript (Electronic) $ 5.00
Transcript (Official Hard Copy) $ 7.50
Vehicle Registration Fee (Fall/Spring/Summer Semesters) $ 205.00
Vehicle Registration Fee (Spring/Summer Semesters) $ 130.00
Vehicle Registration Fee (Summer Only) $ 80.00
Minimester Only No Permit Required
Replacement Permit Full Price

Fees by Course

Course-specific fees are listed in the Course Description section of the catalog or within the Detailed Class Information section found under Look Up Classes of the Student’s myBlinn account.

Health Sciences Program Fees

There is a $300 program fee (per semester) will be charged for the following Health Sciences programs: Associate Degree Nursing; Dental Hygiene; Emergency Medical Technician (Basics only); Health Information Technology; Physical Therapist Assistant; Radiologic Technology; Surgical Technology; Veterinary Technology and Vocational Nursing. A $150.00 program fee (fall semester only) will be charged for the Clinical Nursing Assistant program.

Fire and Police Academy - TEEX Partnership

For enrollment in one of the TEEX partnership academies, the below fees will be charged for each program. Blinn College will waive general tuition and fees for these courses, and only charge the listed academy fees. Enrollment in the TEEX partnership academies through Blinn College is limited. Contact the individual Program Coordinator/Director to be placed on the list for enrollment for your preferred semester and to discuss requirements for attendance. NOTE: Academy courses are taught in block format only. To successfully complete an Academy, all courses listed for that Academy must be enrolled at the same time and passed with the noted minimum grades (see Program websites for details).

Fire Academy (FIRS 1103, FIRS 1301, FIRS 1407, FIRS 1313, FIRS 1319, FIRS 1323, FIRS 1329, FIRS 1333)

                $5,400.00 per student per semester

                $100.00 distance education fee for online Fire Academy

Police Academy (CJLE 1506, CJLE 1512, CJLE 1518, CJLE 1524)

                $4,725.00 per student per semester

Auditing of Courses

Prior to and 7 days past late registration, any person 18 years of age or older may enroll in a traditional face-to-face course as an auditor, with the consent of the Vice President for Instruction and the appropriate dean to assure space is available, by paying the current semester credit hour tuition and fee rate, plus any required laboratory fees. Auditors may use the library facilities and materials in the library only. The instructor is not obligated to accept any papers, tests or examinations from the auditor. An auditor is free from such course requirements as attendance, written work, and tests. Credit will not be granted for auditing a course. Once a student has registered as an auditor, the student may not change to credit status nor can a credit student change to audit status after the semester has begun. Neither the instructor nor the college assumes responsibility for the academic progress of an auditing student. No refunds of tuition and fees are made to auditing students. Currently enrolled students shall have first priority for auditing space. One hour classes may not be audited.

Testing Fees

TSI Assessment Test $ 45.00  
ATI TEAS $ 10.00  
Additional Score Report $ 10.00  
Remote TSIA Request $ 20.00  
CLEP $ 35.00  
Proctored Exam (Non-Blinn Student) $ 25.00  
TCFP Online Certification Exam $ 15.00  
HISET (High School Equivalency Test) $ 10.00  

Proctoring Arrangements and Costs

Blinn College uses several proctoring service providers for online and blended exams.  The respective faculty member teaching the course section will determine and guide the proctoring method(s) used in each course section.  The faculty member will provide the details concerning proctoring in the respective course syllabus.  The following are College-approved options for proctoring outside of traditional face-to-face test proctoring within a regular course setting:


Honorlock is a remote online and blended test proctoring service that uses technology to record and monitor students taking an exam. The Blinn College District pays for access to Honorlock and there is no direct cost to students when assessment proctoring occurs via Honorlock. Proctoring of tests and exams also can be done at Blinn’s learning centers. For information on location, hours, and procedures, visit www.blinn.edu/learning-center


Tegrity is an audio-video recorder built into Blinn’s Learning Management System, eCampus, which allows faculty to require students to record themselves taking an exam.   Blinn College pays for access to Tegrity and there is no direct cost to students when proctoring occurs via Tegrity. 

Blinn College Learning Centers 

Blinn College has limited capacity for proctoring exams at our learning centers at the Blinn-Bryan Campus, Blinn-Brenham Campus, Blinn-RELLIS Campus, Blinn-Sealy Campus, and Blinn-Schulenburg campus.  There is no direct cost to students for proctoring in the Learning Centers.

External Testing Centers

Blinn College faculty may approve of students testing at external testing centers. The external organization determines the cost of test proctoring.  If a student uses an external test site, the student is responsible for confirming the cost charged by the external center and receiving the approval of the faculty member for using the specific external test center.  

Food Service for Campus Housing

(Available on Brenham Campus Only)
Food Service Prices Per Semester


  • Blue Meal Plan: $1,680
    Includes 19 meals per week, 3 per day Monday-Friday and 2 per day Saturday-Sunday
  • Silver Meal Plan: $1,470
    Includes 14 meals per week, 2 per day Monday-Sunday
  • Apartment Meal Plan: $1,050
    Includes 11 meals per week, 2 per day Monday-Friday, 1 meal Saturday-Sunday (apartment residents only)
  • Summer meal plan: $400 per Summer session
    Includes meals per week, 3 meals per day and no meals on the weekends
  • Additional purchase can be added to the meal plan

Meal plans cannot be carried over to the following semester or refunded.

Individual Meal Prices    
Breakfast $6.50  
Lunch 7.50  
Dinner 7.25  

All prices include sales tax (8.25%) and are subject to change without notice.

Vehicle Parking Fines

Parking Tickets (Per Violation) $40.00  

Library Fees and Fines

Overdue Charges  
General circulation 25 cents/day, maximum of $10.00 per book
  Reserve circulation (1 - 2 hour use in library only) 25 cents/hour, maximum of $10.00 per book
  Reserve circulation (3/5 day) $1.00/day, maximum of $10.00 per book
Lost Material Charges   
  Price of item $30.00 minimum if out of print
  Fines owed $10.00 per item maximum (not refundable)
  Processing fee $10.00 per item (not refundable)
  Binding fee Actual Cost
Damaged Materials Charges  
  Depends upon damage and repairs needed – ranges from the cost of the entire book, to rebinding charge to $3.00 repair charge
Photo Copies 10 cents per copy
Microform Copies 15 cents per copy
Miscellaneous Reimbursements  
  Charges billed to the College by TexShare libraries for bills owed to them by the student
Library and Computer Labs  
  Printing Charges:
Each student will receive copies valuesd at $15 at no charge. After $15 has been reached, then
Black/White Copies:
7 cents per single sided printed sheet, 12 cents per double-sided printed sheet
Color Copies:
50 cents per single side printed sheet, 98 cents per double-sided printed sheet

On-Campus Housing

(Cost is per student, per semester)

Housing Application Fee (Nonrefundable) $125 First Semester
$50 Each Semester Thereafter

Residence Hall with Semi-Private Room

  Room Rent Residence Hall Meal
Plan (Required)
Melcher $ 1,685.00 $ 1,680.00 $ 3,365.00
Beazley $ 1,685.00 $ 1,680.00 $ 3,365.00
Helman $ 1,685.00 $ 1,680.00 $ 3,365.00
Hallstein $ 1,685.00 $ 1,680.00 $ 3,365.00
Buccaneer $ 1,685.00 $ 1,680.00 $ 3,365.00
Lockett $ 1,685.00 $ 1,680.00 $ 3,365.00
Katherine Atkinson $ 1,685.00 $ 1,680.00 $ 3,365.00
Spencer $ 1,685.00 $ 1,680.00 $ 3,365.00
Memorial $ 1,685.00 $ 1,680.00 $ 3,365.00
Holleman $ 1,685.00 $ 1,680.00 $ 3,365.00
Solons $ 1,685.00 $ 1,680.00 $ 3,365.00
Summer (each term)     $ 700.00       Cash Only $ 700.00
Minimester     $ 425.00       Cash Only $ 425.00

Bert and Mae Dean Wheeler Residence Hall

(Cost is per student, per semester)

  Room Rent Residence Hall Meal
Plan (Required)
Tri-Suite $ 2,580.00 $ 1,680.00 $ 4,260.00
Private Bedroom/Shared Bath $ 2,920.00  $ 1,680.00 $ 4,600.00

Blinn College Park Apartments

(Cost is per student, per semester)

  Room Rent Apartment Meal
Plan (Required)
Four Bedroom Units $ 3,250.00 $ 1,050.00 $ 4,300.00
Two Bedroom Units $ 3,250.00  $ 1,050.00 $ 4,300.00

Mill Creek Residence Hall

(Cost is per student, per semester)

  Room Rent Apartment Meal
Plan (Required)
Four Bedroom, 2 Bath Units $ 3,350.00 $ 1,680.00 $ 5,030.00
Two Bedroom, 1 Bath Units $ 3,400.00  $ 1,680.00 $ 5,080.00

Fines in Relation to Student Housing Facilities

1. Key Replacement (resident halls) $25.00
2. Key Replacement (apartments) $50.00
3. Lock change out (resident halls) $50.00
4. Lock change out (apartments) $150.00
5. Improper room check-out $5.00 to $25.00 (depending upon condition)
6. Failure to check-out at end of semesters $25.00
7. Failure to return key at check-out (resident halls) $50.00
8. Failure to return key at check-out (apartments) $150.00
    All outstanding fines and fees must be paid in full prior to registration. 

Installment Payment Plan

Blinn College offers a payment plan through NelNet Business Solutions (formerly FACTS Management) for the total of tuition, fees, room and board. Students must sign up for the payment plan online through the myBlinn registration system. Payment options vary by semester and registration date. Payment plans are not available for the minimester or summer semesters.

A student who fails to make full payment for their balance due, including incidental fees, by the final payment due date will be prohibited from registering for classes until the balance due is paid in full. A student who fails to make payment prior to the end of the semester may be denied credit for the work done that semester.

The Payee (Blinn College) reserves the right to withdraw the student from class if the Note (balance due) is not paid in full by the final payment due date. If the Promiser (student) is withdrawn and subsequently pays the balance due in full, the Promiser may petition the Registrar, through Enrollment Services, for reinstatement.

Check and Credit Card

Enrollment Services accepts personal checks, cashier’s checks/money order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express for payment of tuition, fees, and fines.

Students may cash checks at Enrollment Services Monday through Friday by presenting their Blinn I.D. Card. Checks may be cashed in the following maximum amounts: Students, $35.00; parents and guardians, $50.00. A $25.00 Service Charge will be added for any check which is returned by the bank for any reason and the student will be prohibited from paying with checks in the future. The student will also be placed on hold until the check and fee are paid. Temporary checks are not accepted.

Return Check

When notification is received by the college that a check has been returned unpaid, the student responsible for the check is sent notice by certified mail giving 15 days to redeem the check with cash or certified funds and pay the service fee. If not redeemed within the 15 day period, the returned check may be submitted to local authorities for collection or turned over to a collection agency.

Once the student’s account reflects the return of an unpaid check, the college may require future payment to be by cash or certified funds. The student’s account will remain on hold until payment is made.

Use of Collection Agencies

If student accounts become past due, the College will initiate internal collection efforts, which may consist of correspondence.

As a final effort, the College may employ an outside collection agency.

State Tuition Rebate Program

Texas Education Code (54.0065) authorizes tuition rebates for students who complete a baccalaureate degree with no more than 3 credits in excess of those required for their degrees. To be eligible for rebates under this program, students must meet all of the following conditions: (1) they must have enrolled for the first time in an institution of higher education in the fall 1997 semester or later, (2) they must be requesting a rebate for work related to a first baccalaureate degree received from a Texas public university, (3) they must be a resident of Texas, must have attempted all coursework at a Texas public institution of higher education, and have been entitled to pay resident tuition at all times while pursuing the degree, and (4) they must attempt no more than 3 hours in excess of the maximum number of semester credit hours required to complete the degree under the catalog under which they were graduated.

The amount of tuition to be rebated to a student under this program is $1,000, unless the total amount of undergraduate tuition paid by the student to the institution awarding the degree was less than $1,000, in which event the amount of tuition to be rebated is an amount equal to the amount of undergraduate tuition paid by the student to the institution. For additional information, contact the baccalaureate-granting institution to which the student is planning to transfer.

Non-Mandatory Fees

Students who withdraw prior to the first day of class will have all non-mandatory fees refunded. Students who withdraw on or after the first day of class will be refunded as follows:

  1. The refund on room and board is proportional with no room and board refund after the eighth week.
  2. There is no refund on vehicle registration fee.

Residence Hall Student Refunds

The refund for room rent and meal plan will be prorated for students who withdraw or are removed from housing prior to the eighth week for the regular semester and prior to the second week of the summer session. The room rent or meal plan balance will not be refunded after the eighth week or meal plan balance will not be refunded after the eighth week or after the end of the second week of the summer session. Room rent is not adjusted for mechanical, heating or air conditioning malfunctions.

Student Choice Refunds

Effective January 1, 2019, the Blinn College District will partner with Nelnet Financial Solutions to provide an easy and convenient method for all students to receive any refunds they may be eligible for.  The choice is yours on how you choose to receive your refund!

Your refund options are:

  • Direct Deposit to a bank account of your choosing
  • Deposit to any reloadable debit card

You will need to create an account with Nelnet and then enroll in a refund method so that you will be prepared to receive any future refunds.

  • Log in to the Student Portal via myBlinn.
  • Click on the Nelnet icon labeled “Student Choice Refunds.” This will direct you to the Nelnet site.
  • On your first visit, follow the prompts to Create an Account with Nelnet.
  • After creating an account, select “Manage Refunds” to Enroll in a Refund Method.
  • Fill in the necessary information. Your refund will then be sent using the option you selected.

Return of Title IV Funds

If a student withdraws prior to the receipt of aid, the aid award is cancelled. If a student withdraws on or before the 60% point in time of period of enrollment, calculated using calendar days, a portion of the total of all Title IV funds awarded to a student (Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Federal Stafford Loan, Federal PLUS Loans and Academic Competitive Grant) must be returned, according to the provisions of the Higher Education Act Amendments of 1998. The calculation of the return of these funds may result in the student owing a balance to the college and/or the Federal Government. The Business Office must send refunds applied to Stafford and SLS loans directly to the lender. If the student retains a balance, their account will be placed on hold until such time that the balance is repaid. These accounts will be subject to collection actions by the College.

Military Service

If a student withdraws because he or she is called to active military service, the College District, at the student’s option, shall refund the tuition and fees paid by the student for the semester in which the student withdraws.

Education Code 54.006(f); 19 TAC 4.9(a)-(b) [See EGA for grading and credit options]

Blinn College Board Policy FC (Legal)


Drop/Withdrawal from College
Tuition and Mandatory Fees

Drops and withdrawal from college are official at the time that the Office of Admissions and Records is notified. Notification should be made through myBLINN or in person. Students will have their tuition and mandatory fees refunded 100% before the first class date. After that time, students who drop or withdraw from classes will have their tuition and mandatory fees refunded according to the following schedule:

For courses which meet on what the college considers a regular schedule, class days refer to the number of calendar days Blinn College normally meets for classes, not the days a particular course meets.

Drop/Withdrawal Schedule

Texas Administrative Code (Title 19. Education. Part 1. Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Chapter 21. Sub-Chapter A. Section 21.5.)

Blinn College Board Policy FC (Legal)

Length of Class Term in Weeks Last day for 70 percent refund Last day for 25 percent refund
2 or less 2nd class day n/a
*3 3rd class day 4th class day
4 4th class day 5th class day
5 5th class day 6th class day
**6 5th class day 7th class day
7 7th class day 9th class day
***8 8th class day 10th class day
9 9th class day 11th class day
****10 9th class day 12th class day
11 10th class day 14th class day
12 12th class day 15th class day
13 13th class day 16th class day
14 13th class day 17th class day
15 14th class day 19th class day
*****16 15th class day 20th class day


* Minimester **** 10 Week Summer Semesters
** Summer I & II Semesters ***** Fall and Spring Semesters
*** 8 Week Semester  

Tuition and fees paid directly to the institution by a sponsor, donor, or scholarship shall be refunded to the source rather than directly to the student. If a student who has a scholarship withdraws before the end of the semester, the scholarship is revoked and the student may be required to repay the scholarship fund.