2023-2024 Catalog Vol. 84 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog Vol. 84 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Safety and Transportation

Campus Safety

The campus police department is composed of certified Texas Peace Officers who enforce state and federal law as well as college regulations on all property owned and controlled by Blinn College. Parking is only by permit, which may be obtained from the Parking Department located within the Police Department in the Student Center.

For all emergencies, all campuses, call 9-1-1.

For non-emergencies on the Brenham and Bryan Campuses call Washington County Dispatch at 979-277-7373.

For non-emergencies on the Schulenburg Campus call the Schulenburg Police Department at (979) 743-2677 and on the Sealy Campus call the Sealy Police Department at (979) 885-3330.

Brenham Campus College Police Department Emergency Telephone Numbers

To summon police, fire or ambulance service in case of an emergency:

Emergency Telephone Numbers  
On-campus phone 911
Off-campus phone 911
College Police Department 979-830-4100
Rape Crisis Center, Brazos Valley 979-731-1000

Department Overview

The Blinn College Police Department has the major responsibility for the safety and well-being of the students, faculty and staff members of the college. Department personnel are sensitive to the special nature of a college campus and especially students, who are generally young and on their own for the first time.

The state certified police agency employs ten 34 commissioned officers and a number of support staff. The BCPD Officers not only have authority over the more than 62 acres and various buildings that make up the Brenham Campus, but extends to any property owned, leased, rented or otherwise under the control of Blinn College. The well-trained officers patrol throughout the campus and investigate all criminal incidents on campus

BCPD Officers have complete authority to apprehend and arrest anyone involved in illegal acts on campus and areas immediately adjacent to the campus. If a Blinn student commits offenses involving Blinn College Rules and Regulations, BCPD will refer the individual to the Disciplinary Division of Student Services.

The department offers these additional services: Nighttime escorts; Response to a network of fire, smoke and intrusion alarms; and Response to medical emergencies

The BCPD cooperates with other law enforcement agencies at the city, county, state and federal levels. This includes coordination of special events and a mutual assistance program The Brenham Fire Department responds to fire calls and activation of alarms on campus.

The Washington County EMS responds to medical emergencies on campus; or Trinity Medical Center located off South Day Street. If a medical emergency arises on campus dial 911 and then campus police at (979)277-7373.

Safety and Security of Campus Facilities

The facilities and grounds, of Blinn College, are maintained for use by students, faculty and staff. The landscaping and outdoor lighting on the campus are designed for the safety and security of the campus population. Their maintenance receives constant attention. The Blinn campus has an open design and some facilities, including the bookstore and library, are open to the general public. Some academic buildings are open evenings and weekends. To ensure safety under such circumstances, the following procedures are taken: (1) limit access to students and employees who have a legitimate reason to be there, (2) require keys and pass cards to gain access to many areas and (3) limit classroom and laboratory attendance to individuals enrolled in that class.

Safety is everyone’s responsibility. If any student identifies a safety hazard, it is his/her responsibility to report it immediately to an administrator, faculty member or Blinn College Police Department ((979)277-7373).

Safety is everyone’s responsibility. If any student identifies a safety hazard, then it is his/her responsibility to report it immediately to the appropriate administrator, faculty member or Blinn College Police Department ((979)277-7373).

Crime Awareness and Prevention

Students must assume responsibility for their personal safety, as well as their property. Always be aware of your surroundings and travel with companions when possible. The BCPD regularly presents programs designed to provide information to students, staff and faculty. These programs include: crime prevention, awareness of rape, acquaintance rape, other forcible and non-forcible sex offenses and campus security procedures. In these programs is the message everyone should take responsibility for their own security. These programs are presented to residential students each semester. Any campus group or organization can request a program presentation. Crime prevention is everyone’s responsibility. If you see criminal or suspicious activity, report it immediately.

Crime Information and Statistics

The BCPD provides for the public a daily crime log. This report identifies the type, location, time and date of a crime. A copy of this report may be picked up at office #112 in the Student Center.

In the event a situation arises, either on or off campus, that in the judgment of the BCPD constitutes an ongoing or reoccurring threat, a campus wide warning will be issued. This timely warning will be sent via e-mail to students, faculty and staff. There will also be fliers posted on bulletin boards throughout the campus.

Blinn Alert

Students are encouraged to keep their contact information updated in the Blinn Alert system in order to receive timely notifications on campus emergencies or unexpected closings. Go to www.blinn.edu/alert and click on the link found on the bottom of the page ‘Emergency Preparedness’ for more information.

Student Identification Cards (Blinn ID Card)

All students are required to have a student ID card.

Students can electronically submit their headshot for use on their student ID. The online form for photo submissions is located under Admissions Forms at https://my.blinn.edu. Once the photo is received and approved, a student ID will be created within one business day and students can obtain their student ID at their respective campus once the College reopens.

Student ID cards are used to print on campus, to check out materials from the library, to use financial aid at the bookstore, and to access your meal plan in Brenham and Bryan.

Your student ID number may be obtained by calling enrollment services/admissions on your campus or by logging on to your myBLINN account.

Parking and Traffic Regulations

The following guidelines, regulations and statements of authority have been established to manage traffic flow and parking. It is the responsibility of every student, faculty, staff and visitor who operates and/or parks a vehicle on any Blinn College property, to be familiar with, and act in accordance with, Blinn College Parking and Traffic regulations.


Pursuant to the authority granted by sections 135.01 and 135.24 of the Texas Education Code, Blinn College has enacted Parking and Traffic Regulations to regulate and control parking, traffic and the use of parking facilities to provide for the issuance of motor identification and insignia (Blinn College Parking Permits) and to provide jurisdiction over offenses.

All laws of the United States, the State of Texas, as well as, the Blinn College Parking and Traffic Regulations are declared to be in full force and effect on all property of Blinn College. All Blinn College Police Officers/Blinn College Parking Enforcement are empowered to enforce all Blinn College Parking Regulations and Traffic Regulations on all properties of the Blinn College District.

State of Texas Transportation Code:

All State of Texas Transportation Codes shall apply to the vehicular traffic within Blinn College property. The operation of any vehicle or bicycle on Blinn College property is a privilege, granted by Blinn College, and is not an inherent right of any student, faculty or staff.


Blinn College assumes no responsibility for any vehicle or its contents, at any time the vehicle is operated or parked on Blinn College property; or for fire, theft, damage or loss of a vehicle parked or operated on Blinn College property.

Blinn College or its employees shall not be liable for any loss or injury sustained while on Blinn College property. Any person who willfully or through negligence causes damage to any property belonging to or under the control of Blinn College shall be liable for any damages done to said property.

Parking and Traffic Enforcement:

Blinn College reserves the right to enforce parking and traffic regulations through:

  • Issuing Blinn College Parking and Traffic citations and/or State of Texas citations
  • Suspending or revoking any Blinn College Parking Permit
  • Barring re-admission, withholding grades, degree(s), refunds, official transcripts, of any student for non-payment of outstanding parking or traffic citations
  • Initiating disciplinary action against students and employees who fail to abide by the Blinn College Parking and Traffic Regulations
  • Denying parking permits to those with overdue charges

Parking and Traffic Violations:

Vehicles must yield to pedestrians entering the street in marked crosswalks and within fifty (50) feet of a college or city street. Student, faculty and staff pedestrians shall yield the right-of-way to vehicles while walking on or crossing streets at places other than crosswalks. Pedestrians are required to utilize crosswalks.

The speed limit is twenty (20) MPH on all college and city streets, or as legally posted and ten (10) MPH within all college parking lots.

The passing of other vehicles in crosswalks or within fifty (50) feet of a college or city street intersection is a violation of State of Texas Law.

Motorcycles, motor scooters, mopeds, bicycles or other motor assisted bicycles must not be parked, operated or secured in unauthorized places such as sidewalks, secure posts, rails, trees or inside a Blinn College building. Bicycles must be placed within bicycle racks and secured, or they will be impounded.

Parking and Traffic Violations include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Failure to display a valid Blinn College Parking Permit
  • Parked in unauthorized space
  • Any violation of the State of Texas Motor Vehicle Laws/Transportation Code

All traffic and parking regulations are in effect at all times. Parking citations are issued by the Blinn College Police and/or Parking Enforcement. The parking fine per violation is $50.00.

Permitted and ‘Pay-By-Space’ Parking:

  • ‘Reserved’ spaces are assigned to Faculty/Staff ONLY
  • ‘Visitor’ spaces are designated ONLY for persons who are visiting Blinn College
  • Brenham Campus:
    • Apartment/Commuter Permit - Park in Apartment lots, commuter lots or street parking ONLY
    • Residence Hall Permit - Park in Residence Hall lots ONLY
    • Commuter Permit - Park in commuter lots or street parking ONLY
  • Bryan Campus:
    • Bryan students have the option of either utilizing Blinn’s Pay-By-Space parking, without purchasing a Blinn parking permit; or purchasing a parking permit and utilizing available student parking lots.

NOTE: Bryan students who purchase a parking permit may also utilize Pay-By-Space, however, must pay the additional Pay-By-Space fee.

Register Vehicle - Parking Permit:

All students parking a vehicle on the Blinn College-Brenham, Bryan, or Schulenburg campus must register their vehicle and purchase a Blinn College vehicle parking permit, if not utilizing the Bryan Campus Pay-By-Space parking. When the vehicle is parked on Blinn College property (campus street boundaries included), the parking permit MUST BE CLEARLY VISIBLE WITH NO OBSTRUCTIONS. NOTE: Sealy Campus Parking is not considered Blinn College property for the purpose of this procedure.

  • Parking Sticker - must be displayed on the outside of the vehicle’s back window in the lower left corner
  • Parking Hang Tag - must be hung from the rearview mirror with the permit number facing the front windshield
  • Parking Interior Decal - must be properly affixed (not taped) on the inside, in the lower right corner (passenger side) of the front windshield (opposite of the vehicle inspection sticker)

In order for a student to receive their Blinn College parking permit, they must be registered for classes, complete the vehicle registration process, and pay for the vehicle permit fee.

Students living on the Brenham Campus are required to have a Residence Hall permit. All other students will be issued Commuter permits.

The registered owner of the permit will be responsible for all parking citations incurred when utilizing the permit for compliance with Blinn College Parking and Traffic Regulations.

Parking permits are not transferable to any other vehicle or person.

Parking permit fees are non-refundable.

Stolen or vandalized parking permits must be reported to Campus Police as soon as possible. Possession of a stolen parking permit is grounds for disciplinary action.

Vehicle Registration Fees:

Vehicle Registration Fees  
Fall/Spring/Summer Semesters $205.00
Spring/Summer Semesters 130.00
Summer Semester Only 80.00
Minimester No Permit Required
Replacement Permit Full Price

Citation Fines:

$50.00 per violation (multiple violations may be assessed on one citation)

Temporary Permits:

Temporary Permits are needed when a parking permit holder operates/parks an alternate vehicle on Blinn property.

Temporary Permits may be requested from Enrollment Services and are issued based on each request (i.e. vehicle repairs, switching vehicles, rental vehicles). A current, official permit must already have been purchased in order to receive a Temporary Permit. The Temporary Permit allows the vehicle to be parked ONLY in the assigned location of the official issued permit.


Visitors to Blinn College must check-in and may pick up a Visitor Parking Permit if intending to park a vehicle on campus. Visitors must park in designated ‘Visitor’ parking spaces and must abide by the State of Texas Traffic Regulations and Blinn College Parking and Traffic Regulations. Anyone other than a ‘visitor to Blinn College’ parking in a visitor space will be issued a parking citation.

Additional Parking Information for Specific Students:

Disabled Veterans:

A Blinn College parking permit will be provided free of charge to disabled veterans who provide the following proof of eligibility to Enrollment Services on the campus where Blinn classes will be attended.

  • Must be a veteran of the United States Armed Forces, with a service-connected disability of at least 50%; or at least 40% due to the amputation of a lower extremity;
  • Must provide U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs documentation/letter stating the disability percentage;
  • Must be honorably discharged, receiving compensation from the US government as a result of such disability

Citation Appeal Procedure:

Blinn College citations must be appealed online within 10 calendar days of the citation issue date. The appeal will be reviewed by the Executive Dean of the Campus. After the Executive Dean evaluates the appeal, a final decision of either ‘Granted’ or ‘Denied’ will be electronically submitted to the email address provided. Decisions of the Executive Dean are final and are not subject to further appeal. ‘Granted’ appeals will be removed from the student’s account. ‘Denied’ appeals may be paid online, or at the Parking Office. If not paid, a ‘Business Office Hold’ will be placed on the student’s account.

Towing Procedure:

Parking and Traffic Regulations are enforced at all times, including weekends, holidays and vacation periods. Blinn College reserves the right to regulate the use of its vehicle parking facilities and lots, including the authority to impound vehicles. The responsibility of locating a legal parking space rests with the operator of the vehicle. The most effective way to avoid having a vehicle towed is to adhere to all posted regulations; and in the event of receiving a citation, to pay or appeal the citation in a timely manner.

Vehicles may be towed for violations of the State of Texas Transportation Code, Blinn College Parking and Traffic Regulations or in emergency situations. All towing expenses will be the responsibility of the vehicle owner. A vehicle may be towed for, but not limited to the following examples:

  • Vehicle is restricting pedestrian and wheelchair routes; and the owner cannot be located within a reasonable amount of time
  • Vehicle is blocking or partially blocking a service drive, or roadway
  • Vehicle is non-operable
  • Vehicle has been deemed abandoned by the Blinn College Police
  • Vehicle is parked in a handicap space; and the owner cannot be located within a reasonable amount of time
  • Vehicle is blocking an area which creates a danger to safety and welfare of persons and property (fire lanes, service areas, traffic lanes, walkways or posted areas)
  • Emergency situations

Blinn Administrative Procedure