Credit Hours:3 Lecture Hours:3 Lab Hours:2 Contact Hour Total:80 ESOL Reading 0324 is for nonnative English speaking students to develop and refine receptive English language skills necessary to succeed in college level (or credit) courses. Listening/reading comprehension is enhanced using strategic techniques with authentic discourse. The course is designed to improve enrollees’ reading proficiency, comprehension, and vocabulary, both academic and personal. Multisensory learning experiences in whole group, small group, and individual settings serve to facilitate literacy development. Completion of ESOL 0324 with a grade of with a grade of “C” or better is the equivalent of the completion of READ 305 with a grade of “C” or better. Prerequisite(s): Nonnative English speaker and appropriate score on TSIA or alternative test or completion of READ 304 with a grade of “C” or better. Corequisite(s):ESOL 335Notes: Not counted toward a degree or certificate Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual (ACGM) course